Part 10

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"How about this one?" Felicia swung around a bikini. It honestly resembled a zebra; one that was attacked and shredded apart by a lion.

"Never." I hissed through the rack.

The entire morning we have been shopping for a swimsuit I'd actually wear. After hearing that I agreed to go to the beach with Mathew, Felicia demanded I pick her up and go hunting for something to swim in -other than shorts and a tang top, which I WAS planning on wearing.

Though four months in, she was glowing, and could still pull off anything.

"Why don't you try it on?" I jested and she grinned at the idea while still searching through the ridiculous section of bikinis.

"Okay, how about this one, look!" Her voice carried itself well across the store and I wanted to kill her when she flung it; having it land on my face.

"Lili, you b-"

"Is that Mathew?"

Without thinking, I dropped over into a rack of bottoms. My arm became caught between some panty looking things, and my foot struck the metal racks center making me swear aloud.

My nerves calmed down once I heard Felicia laughing.

"Wh-what?! Ha, ha, he's going to see you later on today anyway." She patted my shoulders with the biggest grin.

You, if you weren't pregnant, I'd drop kick your ass, little sis.

"The last thing I need is him showing up, then telling me what to wear, and how to wear it, and, oh-oh, how to move in it." I wiggled my finger in the air while mocking him.

She nodded. "Yep, that's my job!"

We went off with a few selections, then Felicia had me turn, tilt, squat, and pose every way just to see all angles. Showing this much skin was new to me. The only time I'm this exposed is when it's too hot for pants.

My brown curls were begining to knot around all the tags. Felicia then tied my hair up high.

"There. This is it!" For a pregnant woman, she could jump like a toddler.

"What?" I slouched, and she corrected my posture with a punch to the kidney.

"You look hot with your hair up, and it gives you this sporty, bad girl look."

"Ah-ha,ha, ha. No." Bad at being a girl, more like it.


"My ass is hanging out, Lili." I turn around and jiggled it with my hands. "Look."

"Good, he'll have to grab it, and not you this time."

"Feli-no!" My eyes popped as I looked up to see her snapping a picture.

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