Part 14

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Wonderful! It's now impossible to look at his lips again! I will just picture them -those soft, pale, pinky pillows softly being pressed against my palm, like a serial killer holding a pillow over his victim, oh, an-and why did I think of that?!

Holding my fists down, I started to feel how sweaty they were getting again. Mathew would grab me, hold me, then drop me on the sand at any given moment. This guy clearly had the passive-agressive thing going, and with every growl I made, he touched me even more. Wasn't I supposed to be romanced?! Juliet killing Romeo, I'm up for it.

As he let me trip over the sand, before falling I went for his back, then slammed both of us right over Mary's castle.

"Ah-ouches. That hurt." I moaned as the air shot out my lungs. Mathew was clearly a broad, bulky man; it felt like I had crashed on to a rough sack of potatoes, so once he started to shift around to face me, it felt like tectonic plates were being shifted under me.

"Is this what you wanted, Lania?" he held my chin.

What in hell?!

I blinked twice with the dumbest expression on my face, then tried to find some sort of way to string my thoughts into a sentence, even an insult. How I begged for an insult. All that came out was, "Uh, Mr. Wallis?"

Slowly he closed his eyes, and moved his face foward.

No. No. Nononononononnononononnonononononononononononon!

Mary shoved her blue bucket in his face, and pouted her lips, "now you gotta build me a new palace!"

Sucking in air, I mentally high fived my sister. You go, Mary!

"He'll get right on it, Mary. I have to go make sure Joan isn't burnt to a crisp, bye!" I literally ran away from the whole scene, skipped Joan as she lay on her back frying like a shrimp, and then dove into the ladies restroom.

The dirty, sandy, toilet paper infested floor gave me goosebumps, so I sat on the sink while breathing in like some woman giving birth.

He was trying to kiss me! He was going in, in for a kiss! A kiss! Two people sharing lip contact! Mine on his, his on mine! He was so close, and I was the one who went in for him! But it was just to knock him over, it wasn't to jump on him! I am not a tease! God, did it look like I planned it?! Curse these feet of mine!

"Ahhh, ahhhh. Arrghh!" I moaned back and forth as I cocked my head up to the cieling, "-next time I should just push harder."

A lady flushed the toilet, then stepped out, giving me the dirtiest look. Chances are she thought I'd piss on the sink.

"That's disgusting. Use the toilet." She shot her nose up in the air as if the smell of ass, and crap were coming from me when it clearly was from her stall.

"If only you hadn't destroyed it, ma'am." I muttered under my breath. I got off the sink and headed for the exit, then I opened the door only to see Mathew standing right outside. Body froze, but my feet actually obeyed and turned around. The door swung shut on him. "Guess I do have to use the toilet."

I stayed in that stall for a good 15 minutes before Joan popped in.


I didn't answer.

"Lani, I'm going to turn off the lights."

"Joan!" I squeaked, then shot out the stall. She knew how much I feared dark, closed spaces. One look at her, and I almost covered my eyes; my dear, little sister was a flamingo. "You were burned!"

"Not really, I put sunscreen on, it doesn't hurt as bad as it looks, Lani."

"Eh-I hope so."

"I think Mr. Wallis wants to go now." She said smiling. That only brought back why I was in the bathroom in the first place.

As I rubbed my temples, I sighed out. "About time. Where is he?"

"You'll see." She giggled as she shook an empty sunscreen bottle.

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