Part 32

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"I told him," I smiled, then chuckled as I repeated the memory in my mind. "I said to him, with my eyes closed, you know, because there's no way I could just say it with his eyes staring back at me -but, yeah, I told him how his hair flowed like wiped honey, and how sometimes I wanted to just play with it, and how he made sunlight whenever he smiled. Even mentioned that I thought there was something sad about the way no one ever mentioned how much he cares for others, though he rarely shows it...I also said I thought he was the smartest man I had the bad luck of meeting, ha, ha."

I collect the memories of Mathew, then sigh. I did it, I am one step away from being that scared kitten, quiet, little thing...who hasn't even had her first kiss. Mathew's lips graced my thought. Ah, I mean, first REAL kiss.

"Argh, see now I'm upset all over again. Do you know how it feels to have surprise kisses?!" I ask while handing my lovely companion a peach slice.

"Ahh, whu, d-da." Lulu blurted out while tugging on her diaper. Yes, she was most definitely correct. It was bullshit.

"Yeah, I bet you do. Sucks, right? A heads up would always be nice."

All right, so I had vented out my thoughts to my baby niece. Felicia, and Hank had another mommy-daddy-and-pregnancy class that never made any sense to me; all they did was rub each other with oils, so I was babysitting till that dry sex was over. Lulu was the only one I could trust with such secrets anyway.

Picking her tubby-ass up, I laided back on the sofa, then placed her on my belly.

I made her giggle, then told her of the joys of being a baby. "At least you get kissed with love, real, straight from the"

That hurt, and I don't know why. Guess I just don't want to believe I know why it hurt.

"Could...could I actually like him?" I asked, then Lulu farted, causing her eyes to become alert. Her pumpkin head spun from side to side trying to see where the noise came from.

"Was that you?!" I said in the goofiest voice. She sucked at the peach, then a grin started to spread. "Oh, stinky pants! It was you!"

As I sat up to hug her enitre round body, the silhouette of a man stood in the door way of my mother's house. It was a nice day, so I had the door open to let in a breeze, but I didn't think anyone would just walk in. Unless it's Mathew.

"Is that you, Custard Pie?" I ask with a laugh, and a voice I hadn't heard before answered.

"Ha, ha, ha, how did you know I loved sweets, darling."

Quickly I stood up, holding Lulu defensively.

Who in all hell was this? My eyes couldn't even catch a glimpse of his face, but my memory was telling me I should know who he was. I tried caming myself with the fact that he had an english accent. Please, please don't let it be...

The man walked in with his hands up to assure me he meant no harm, then as the sunlight he was blocking finally was let into the room again, I saw Jack, the bad boy of the family grining right at me.

Snapping out of the little visual spell, I asked him what in the world he was doing just walking or arriving without giving me a notice. Part of it was our fault; rarely do we ever lock the front door. The neighborhood was too boring for crime.

Jack tilted his head, then asked, "As if you do not know the answer to that, darling."

"I thought Mathew wasn't serious about one of you being with me each day," I answered, trying to hide the fact that he made me nervous. Jack was a rough-looking fellow; he wore blazers over sweaters, fitted jeans, and almost never shaved away all his beard. The swirls of brown hair on his head were tossed around only enough for a Wallis to pull off, but none could get you quicker than Jack. There was always a manly air about him. Even when his father would describe him through letters, I felt as if Jack was what women literarly ran after, and he'd collect galdly.

"When he says something, believe he's serious," he said, then rubbed his faded brown hair back while having me see all the dazzling lights from his smile. "That man doesn't lie."

Oh, yeah right. He was lying yesterday, about me...and all those things he said. I looked down, and thought about it some more. We both were practicing to adore each other with comments and little love praises, so they weren't real. Yet, somehow my secret feelings had managed to weasel their way into my voice, and had honestly given Mathew a real view at how I felt about him at times.

When he wasn't being such an ass. Let's not forget all the times I would have ringed his neck!

"Is something wrong, love?" Jack asked as he took a step closer. It didn't even bother me anymore when they would say 'love', 'darling', or 'sweetheart', it was in their nature to speak like that. What did surprise me was the fact that my cheeks weren't burning. Hmm, guess having Mathew around was helping me a little.

Jack took another step closer. Being new to Lulu, she tugged at me to hold her tighter. Soon she started to pout and her small eyes began to gloss with fear. Stranger danger, I could hear her little eyes signal me.

"No, no, Lulu, it's okay, baby." I cooed her till she relaxed around my arms, then faced Jack. "Uh, I'm babysitting today."

"What a coincidence," he smiled, then leaned in closer till once again I was covered in another Wallis man's shadow. "So am I."

"You're definitely Mathew's brother."

"Tis the Wallis charm, I'm sure. But, he doesn't enjoy it, I, Miss Kett, am in love with it."

Keep talking like that, please, because it'll make me see you as another idiot, too. I rolled my eyes, then smiled.

"I am afraid to ask what you have planned today," I asked as his face light mine like the sun. He was hot, and to make it worse, he was a charmer, right down to the way he played with his eyes.

"If it were up to me, I'd seal your lips with mine till sunset," he calmly added. My mouth swung open. The dog. He chuckled, then with a finger to my chin, he shut my mouth. "But our dear lad, Mathew, had given me an assignment already."

Either I am not smacking him because I have Lulu, or for the fact that he is actually friendlier than Mathew, who looks at you as if you were a disgrace for not being able to speak telepathically.

Lulu slapped his hand away from me, then started drooling over my shoes as a reminder that she was still going to need me to watch her.

Don't worry, Auntie, I gots yo back, I could hear her say. She was starting to get comfortable.

"But I have my niece."

He winked, responding, "she'll be our babe today, then. Family outting."

Did my eyes just slide out my sockets, and roll away?

Mr. WallisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora