Chapter III - Oh Joy, Retail Therapy

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After that first day, I never cried in front of my parents again. Mom and dad and even Autumn looked very upset when they saw me crying and in pain. When he first heard about it, dad got really angry. That was the angriest I've ever seen him. He's usually a very laid back and easy going kinda person. I learned that day that my daddy can be very scary when he's angry. Mom had to calm him down to stop him from changing and go charging into the Pack house.

Now I cry in the shower. I make sure to muffle my sobs with my hands. Also that second night I felt the pain so intense that I had to bite my pillow to swallow the sound of my scream. It lasted almost an hour. I knew right away what my mate was doing then. He's having fun with some other female, probably Mia, while I'm feeling the pain. How is that fair? My wolf Ezra howled in pain, sadness, and rage. Oh, I can feel her rage now, and that's better than her silence. My wolf is strong. I'm glad she's still here. At least she hasn't abandoned me....yet.

My friends Penny, Reese and River now know the whole story and are very pissed. Reese had to calm River down who looked pissed enough to kill somebody. They come to visit me after school almost every day to cheer me up. I don't know what I'd do without my loyal friends.

I never thought being an Omega is that bad. I mean, my parents taught me that everybody is equal. Even the humans should be treated with the same respect. I guess not everybody thinks that. Now I'm conscious of my status as an Omega.

My father was actually in line for an Alpha in his old pack. As I said earlier, he and my mom are hippies at heart. He's too carefree to be an Alpha, much to my grandpa's endless chagrin. His younger brother, my uncle Ashton took over while dad followed mom to this pack. His old pack, Canis Gunnolf Pack is one of the strongest in the world too.

We never talked about this to anyone. I think the only people who knew about dad being an alpha in line for Canis Gunnolf are Alpha Carrington (Logan's dad) and his beta.

I think Alpha Carrington was worried that my dad would challenge him for the title as an alpha when he first made a request to join this pack. My dad is quite a big man after all. He relegated my dad to an Omega level, which my dad didn't at all mind.

Today is Friday, the third day after it happened, I decided that I've wasted enough time. I'm not wasting any more time mourning over a useless jerk of an ex-mate. My wolf Ezra hasn't left me. I can live without a mate. I'm determined to make it without a mate.

However, I'm not ready to go to school yet. I'm not ready to see him and Mia eating each other's face and laughing and be happy together. But I'm going to show him that I'm strong. That he doesn't have the power to break me.

I go to our Art Supply Store instead. Fairchild's Kraft & Art Supply Store,  the sign says in bold colorful letters up the front above the entrance. We own this store and we're the only art supply store in town. Mom sometimes offers painting lessons as well.

"Hey baby girl!" says dad, looking surprised but happy to see me there. "Just the girl I want to see. I have a good news for you," he smiles, looking enthusiastic as he arranges the pastel boxes on the shelf.

"You just sold your very first painting this morning," he announces.

"Really? Which one?" Wow, that lifts my spirit up a little.

"The rundown hut by the lake in oil," he answers as he moves behind the counter. "Here you go, honey," he hands me the money. Pride shines in his eyes.

Five hundred dollars. It wasn't even a big painting.

"You're a rich woman now. What are you going to do with all that money?" he asks me teasingly.

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