Chapter XXXIII - Flip Sip or Strip

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I don't feel like seeing anybody today. Thank goodness it's Saturday. I even turned my phone off since last night.

Lazarus and Serena drove me home last night. We didn't talk much during the drive. Even Serena was awfully quiet.

I stare at the ceiling of my bedroom moodily. I didn't sleep well last night, and now it's almost morning and I'm already wide awake. The scene from last night keeps replaying in my mind. I wonder if they've already left for Russia. Argghh...I feel like kicking something.

Cold air blows in as my window slides open. Constantine! I jump out of bed and straight into his arms.

His strong arms gather me close into him. "I have to see you before I go," he mutters against my neck.

"I'm sorry about yesterday evening. I shouldn't have gone off like that." he apologizes. "I just can't stay without hurting any of my friends."

"That's okay. I understand," I do understand, actually. I felt like hurting Milan last night. Well, not like I can really hurt her. She's a full blooded lycan, I'm just a werewolf. "So you went for a run?"

"Yeah.." he sighs. "I think I went as far as Inuvik, Canada."

I gasp. "No you didn't!"

"No I didn't," he agrees, laughing softly.

He nuzzles my cheek, my jawline, then buries his face in my neck, breathing in deeply. Oh goodness, he feels so good and smells so good. He has that delicious smell of him...and pine needles, and fresh air, and early morning dew.

"You haven't been home all night, have you?" I suddenly ask him. Actually I shouldn't be surprised if he made it all the way to the Northwest Territories, Canada last night.

"No. I went for a run all night...and then I came here. I have to see you before we have to take off just after dawn."

I tighten my arms around him. I really don't want him to go.

"Sunshine, I want so much to mark you.." he breathes against my neck. His teeth nipping my skin. I can feel his canine. Shivers run through me. My eyelids flutter shut.

"Then mark me," I whisper breathlessly.

"I'd love to...but you don't want to wake your family up to hear something they don't need to hear, do you, sweetheart?"

My eyes widen.

"I thought not," he laughs. "soon," he whispers before he swoops down and gently kisses my lips.

"I have to go now," he murmurs against my lips. "I'll see you soon." He gives me another soft lingering kiss, then he's gone.

I feel like a part of me is being ripped away."I'm going to miss you," I whisper into thin air. I'm already missing him.

I have late breakfast with my family this morning. I sit around the house feeling miserable and doing nothing later on. It seems like everybody else is busy doing something and NOT being miserable like I am right now. I suspect my family is just trying to make themselves scarce just to stay out of my way. Gosh, I miss Constantine.

Ezra's unhappy and it's making it worse for me. I wonder where he is right now and what he's doing. I think I'm going through a withdrawal. Gosh, I miss Constantine.

Nope, I can't keep doing this. I'm going to get up and do something! Yeah!!! Let's do something fun that totally doesn't homework. Gosh, I miss Constantine.

I'm trying to do some homework when Penny texts me about going to a party at her cousin's house this evening. Penny's cousin, Olivia just turned 18 and we are all invited to the party.

Queen Penny: Come with us...pls?

Me: No thanks.

Queen Penny: You can't mope around the house every time Constantine's not there!

Me: Not moping. I'm busy.

Queen Penny: Doing what???

Me: Homework.

Queen Penny: 🤔😡We're coming over.

OH NOOO!!!! Penny and Reese are very persistent, might as well put my party dress on now.

I find myself standing on the driveway of a big white ranch style house, wearing a light blue crop top with dark blue ripped skinny jeans and a pair of nude wedge sandals. So yeah, they managed to drag me out of the house, kicking and screaming...well okay, not quite...but close. That's why we arrived kinda late.

"Those jeans look hot on you," compliments Reese, adjusting a few strands of long necklaces that she dropped around my neck earlier on.

Yeah, they're super tight, especially on my derriére. I don't know if Constantine would be happy with me wearing these to a party without him.

Reese is looking pretty in her pink short tiered dress with black tights and pink strappy sandals.

"Wow the party's going crazy already," observes Penny. She has a pair of dark denim shorts on with a black tank top and a pair of black vans. The words "Hot Geek" are written across the front of her top in glittery letters.

"Come on, girls. I think we're fashionably late enough," urges River as he wraps an arm around Reese's shoulders, and another around mine.

I see some kids I know from school loitering the front lawn. They huddle closer and start whispering when they saw us. I can hear the music from out here. I can tell right away that I'm not going to enjoy this party.

The party is in full swing when we get inside. The music is deafening and so many kids dancing and some couples grinding up against each other.

River whispers something into Reese's ear before they disappear into the crowd.

"Let's go find the birthday girl," yells Penny over the music as she pulls me in further inside the house.

We find Olivia, Penny's cousin in the kitchen in the middle of a drinking game Flip, Sip or Strip. By the look of it, she's already buzzed and lost half her clothing already.

Flip, sip or strip is a game where you flip a coin and call head or tail before it lands. If you guess wrong, you must drink or strip an article of clothing. If you guess right, you can pass the coin to your left or choose to go again. If you go again and guess right the second time, you can choose anybody to drink or strip. You can't choose to do the same thing twice in a row.

I look around at several people in various states of undress. A couple of girls are already only in their bra and panties. I immediately notice Logan in the middle of the crowd. His shirt is already missing. His ocean blue eyes are staring at me broodingly and sulkily. He's still looking attractive to me. I think he always will.

"Really cousin? Already drunk at your own party?" says Penny to Olivia as a form of greeting.

"Oh my gosh,'ve gotta join this game. We need more people or we'll all be naked... like soon!!!" giggles Olivia.

We werewolves do get drunk, but we sober up quicker than humans due to our high metabolism, I think.

"Happy Birthday, Olivia," I chime in.

"Genesis! Thank you!" she flings her arms around me. "I'm glad you're here. Come, join our game," she pleads, pulling my arm.

Olivia is pretty wild and we don't hang out in the same crowd, but she's always nice to me.

"Yeah, Genesis. Why don't you join in the game?" taunts A familiar voice suddenly. Logan. His tone and eyes full of challenge. His golden hair is slightly wild and his toned chest is glistening with sweat and whatever drinks they're having.


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