Chapter XXX - How to Douse a Fire

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"Red, Red, Red, Red..." sings Caspian irritatingly. He's sitting by the kitchen counter, sipping wine from a crystal goblet.

"Hah! You can keep calling me that. Imma calling you Cass...or Casscass. Yeah! Casscass...Casscass sounds sooo cute!"I exclaim.

"Casscass sounds like a girl! You can't call me that! I'm a manly man," he argues.

"I can't believe I'm listening to this," complains Lazarus as he tosses the salad. Constantine just shakes his head. Constantine is...well, I'm not really sure what Constantine is doing. So far he has his arms wrap around me and keeps nuzzling and kissing my neck from behind, making me giggle and my toes curl while I'm trying to stir the creamy mushroom sauce.

Serena finds my exchange with Caspian funny and giggling hard while trying to flip the meat in the pan.

They've fired Lora, their fifth cook. Now I'm supervising dinner...or trying to. So far I haven't burn the kitchen down yet.

I think they all know how to cook, just too lazy to do so.

We stop bickering as soon as we hear a car pulling in the driveway.

"Milan is back," declares Caspian flatly. He then abandons his glass and chugs the expensive Dom Pérignon straight from the bottle.

I feel something changes in the air. I don't know what it is, but I guess I'm about to find out.

The front door opens, and a few minutes later, Milan breezes in. She is stunning. Flawless pale skin. Shiny baby blue eyes and straight jet black hair. Her perfect body is covered in expensive designer clothes and shoes. She looks like a model straight out of the runaway.

"Hello. I'm back! Missed me?" she announces, giving Lazarus and Constantine a hug. She doesn't seem to be bothered to do the same with Serena and Caspian.

"Who's this?" her eyes narrow on me. "Are we keeping company with the werewolves now? Or is she our new cook?"

She says the word werewolf in such a derogatory way, I can sense Serena bristles next to me.

"Milan," says Lazarus warningly.

Constantine frowns. "This is my mate, Genesis," announces Constantine as he pulls me into his arms.

"Your mate???" her face turns ugly for a second, then she bursts out laughing. "Good one. Stop joking around. I think I saw her around school before. I know she can't be your Aresthai. If she was, you'd have claimed her years ago. You would've known she's the one the moment you saw her."

"Yes she is my aresthai. I did know right away that she's my one the moment I set my eyes on her three years ago. She was just too young to be claimed back then," announces Constantine.

"You've got to be kidding me," she scoffs.

"Nope, he's not kidding you. Genesis is Constantine's Aresthai and mate," declares Caspian with a smile. I hear smugness in his voice. There's an undercurrent hostility in the way Caspian talks to her.

"Dinner's ready. Let's set the table," suggests Serena abruptly. She wraps her hand over mine and tugs me away. I flash her a look of gratitude. I can't stand the aura of hostility coming off Milan too much longer.

Dinner is uncomfortable for me. The men eat happily enough. Serena cuts her meat and eats delicately, like a proper lady. Milan just sits there sipping her wine moodily. Once in a while she would glance at me with narrowed eyes over her wine glass. I pretend to eat, but I've really lost my appetite.

"So you two had been spending all evening in Constantine's bedroom?" asks Caspian. His grin is big and mischievous. His eyes flash to Milan for a second.

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