Chapter LII - Ring With The Heart and Crown

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"So let me get this straight, you want me for my body and Duncan for food?" Constantine raises an eyebrow.

"No, I didn't say that...exactly. I mean, Duncan is good for his skills in the kitchen," I argue. "..but I want you more than just for your body...and you know that," I purr with what I hope a seductive voice. Actually, I think that sounds more like a cat choking on its hairball.

The corners of his lips curl up while his eyes alight with humor. "No, I don't know that," he keeps arguing, but now I know he finds it amusing.

"The point is, I'm not at all interested in Duncan or any other men."

"I know that...but I'm still jealous when there are other males around you."

"Why? Don't you trust me?"

We're sitting at the edge of the cliff watching the city below us. Our fingers intertwined. This is the cliff we came to that first time he told me that I was his erasthai. Constantine thought it's a good idea for us to be out of the house for the evening.

It is the beginning of dusk and the sky is beautiful even though we're not directly facing the sunset. It is painted with different shades and hues of orange, pink, blue and purple. It's the end of spring and the sky is darkening slowly. The streetlights are on, and soon so are the lights in houses and other buildings.

Not too long ago I thought my world was ending because of my mate, the one who was supposed to be with me forever rejected me. The pain was unbearable, but now I won't have it any other way. Because of it, I end up with Constantine. Now I can't imagine my life without him in it.

I glance at my mate beside me. His dark brown hair tousled and gently blown by the evening breeze, a few silky locks fallen over one eyebrow. The glow of the setting sun falls on one side of his face, emphasizing the sharp planes of his perfectly chiseled features. His long eyelashes create shadows across the bridge of his nose and his cheek. His pale silver-grey eyes look almost gold in this light. I still can't believe that he's mine.

"I can feel your love for me," he smiles gently. "Yes, I do trust you. But I have to apologize in advance because I would still be jealous, no matter what. I can't help it. I'm a possessive beast."

"Well, as long as you know that I want only you. Besides, you're a hot beast when you're jealous."

He throws his head back and laughs then says, "I knew you want me for my body."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...that's why I'm moving in with you. Well, your body, your shower heads, your....." I don't get to finish the sentence. His mouth comes down to land on mine in a brief but heated kiss that leaves me breathless.

"Good," he says with a smug grin. "I thought I was going to have to tie you to my bed post to keep you with me at all times."

"Neanderthal," I mutter to myself, but I can't help smiling. We're mated, that's equivalent to being married for humans. It shouldn't even be a question about me moving in with him, it's expected. I'm just so weird. I guess I puzzled my own family when I was still home and never mentioned about moving in with my mate the other night...well, maybe not. My family is just as weird as I am. I'm glad that he had asked instead of ordering me or forcing me to move in. My mate is awesome!

"Genesis," he suddenly grabs my other hand and his expression turns serious. "This is the place where I told you that you're my erasthai, my one and only. The place where I first told you that I intend to make you my mate...for life."

He suddenly looks nervous. "I have something I that I want you to have. I had been waiting for it to arrive."

He reaches into his leather jacket pocket and produces a small blue velvet box. "It belonged to my grandmother."

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