Chapter XXXI - Will You Pose for Me?

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Constantine picks me up for school this morning. The kiss he gives me as soon as I get in the car leaves us both breathless.

Autumn prefers to walk to school with her friends. I suspect that she's actually still feeling shy and intimidated by Constantine.

When I step out of the car with Constantine, there are no wolf whistles or cat calls. They know when not to mess up with lycans, the royal ones especially. Constantine wraps his arm around me as soon as we're out of the car. We still get stares, and people whispering as we walk by, but I try not to let that bother me.

I'm feeling apprehensive about being around Milan again. She was getting on my nerve last night. I don't know how long I can pretend to be civil around her if she continued to behave like a spoiled brat.

All the lycans are already there when we arrive. It's still early, but the sun is already shining, promising a beautiful warm day. They are all sitting on the picnic bench outside.

Constantine instantly steers me towards where they are gathering.

Milan looks up, watching us from where she is sitting. Her straight shiny raven black hair is in a stylish sleek low ponytail. Her make up is kept to the bare minimum. Well, she is flawlessly gorgeous, she really doesn't need any make up.

She gets up as soon as we get closer. Her designer ivory lace midi dress is sexy yet classy. She looks like she's about to walk down the runaway rather than go to school.

"Hi," she smiles, approaching us. She comes up to my height in her two inches heels. "Listen Genesis, I'm sorry about last night. It came as a shock to me and I reacted badly. I hope you can forgive me," says Milan. Her big baby blue eyes look honest and sincere. "I'd like us to be friends."

"Sure, I'd like that too," I reply, giving her a tentative smile.

"Awesome!" she exclaims, linking her arm through mine.

"Hi," I greet everybody.

Good morning, Genesis," returns Serena who looks serene and calm. Her expression giving nothing away. Lazarus beside her, nods his head with a small smile. He has that same intensity in his eyes as Constantine. I notice that his electric blue eyes turn soft whenever he looks at Serena. They are such a contrast, yet so right for each other.

Caspian is lying on his back on the picnic table in front of us with his hands behind his head. His vivid green eyes look cold and his gorgeous face looks bored. He lifts an eyebrow, giving me a certain look that I don't quite understand.

"Now tell me all about yourself," urges Milan.

"There's nothing much to tell, really," I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh come on. I'd like to get to know you better," she coaxes as she pulls me to sit next to her. "How long have you known that you're Constantine's erasthai? Did you have a mate before? Was he heartbroken?"

"Milan," snaps Constantine who stiffens at the mention of my ex-mate. He seats himself next to Milan as I'm seated at the end of the bench on the other side of her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. That was insensitive of me," she apologizes quickly. Her expressive eyes look regretful. "Sometimes I don't think before I say something."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not a big secret or anything...everybody here knows about it," I shrug my shoulders again. "He's not heartbroken at all. He rejected me. big deal."

"Rejected you? I'm so sorry. Oh Genesis, it must be awful for you," she covers my hand with hers. Her eyes widen in horror.

"Like I said, it's no big deal."

Caspian shoots me another look from where he's lying down, and this time I lift my eyebrow up in question.

I get the chance to talk to Penny during English lit. The teacher is late and Penny is full of stories.

According to Penny everybody talks about the royal lycans and how my grandfather was the Alpha of Cannis Gunnolf Pack, one of the strongest pack in North America. Penny says, there are lots of stories floating around about me and my family and how we're not in Cannis Gunnolf Pack anymore.

One story is that my father left his mate, his pack and his giving up his title as an alpha to be with my mother.

Some people were saying that I was promised to the Alpha of Red Convel Pack to be his mate since I was a baby. My parents broke that promise, that's why we're here.

Someone else is saying that, I made a pack with the lycans to pretend to be mated to one of them to teach Logan a lesson. Sheesh...some people are stupid.

Penny and I giggle over most of the stories.

Logan and Zeke enter the classroom while Penny and I are still giggling over some of the more outrageous stories. The teacher enters right after him and Zeke.

He doesn't even look at me. He sits stiffly facing the front of the classroom the whole time. This is almost like the time before we knew we were mates and he wasn't even aware of my existence. Well, except that this time, I know that he's super aware that I'm right here behind him and there's tension here now.

When the class ends, he gathers his stuff and walks out without a single glance my way either. I think I should be thankful about that.

It's frustrating how Constantine and I don't have any classes together. All the lycans have classes together. We just get to meet briefly in the hallway between classes. Every time we see each other in the hallway, he would bury his nose and lips against my neck and breathes in deeply. It's like my scent calms him.

After the fourth period he grabs me by the waist, throws me over his shoulder, and carries me out. Well, I guess it's okay to skip classes if you're the king's nephew.

"Listen, sunshine," he says as he takes my hand in his across the console of the car. "Caspian, Lazarus and I are leaving for Russia tomorrow morning," he sighs. "I just want to spend today alone with you."

"How long are you going for?" I can't hide the disappointment in my voice.

"Just for two or three days...a week at the most. We've been summoned by King Alexandros just this morning. I knew this day would come. We've been away, and abandoning our duties long enough."

"You would have to go back there for good pretty soon, don't you?"

He seems reluctant to answer my question this time. His beautiful grey eyes are looking at me speculatively and apprehensively. "Eventually, yes," he finally answers.

I turn my head to look out the window. There are a lot of things I still don't know about him. I assumed that I'll have to be wherever he'll be. Go wherever he goes. He never asked me to do that. We never really discussed the future.

"Where are we going?" I finally ask. The road we're on is familiar.

"You promised me you would pose for me today...."

"You want to do it now?" When I said today, I assumed it would be after school.

"Yeah, but if you changed your mind.."

"No, I'll do it," I quickly cut in. My heart starts hammering in my chest. I'll be posing naked in front of Constantine soon....and I was planning to seduce him! Cuddly bunnies and crazy slippers!!!


Yeay! Double updates! Hopefully I'll make it back and have time to update by Wednesday or Thursday :)

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