Chapter XLIX - Some Things Money Can't Buy

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"Why is Milan not here?" I ask. No, I don't really want to deal with her now, but I have to ask. This evening has been great. I don't want to ruin it.

"That's because she's not part of the pack," answers Constantine.

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow.

"To be part of the pack, you have to be approved, not just by the majority, but by all members of the pack," answers Serena at my questioning look.

"Serena and I didn't want her to be a part of this pack," informs Caspian with a smirk.

"Besides, she's not always with us. She comes and goes as she pleases. She would stay with us for a few months or so, then she's off to Europe or somewhere. She'll disappear for months or sometimes years before she shows her face around here again," comments Serena, shrugging her shoulders.

"This is the longest she's ever stayed with us. Almost a year now," explains Lazarus.

"Where is she, anyway?" asks Constantine. From the tone of his voice, I sense a confrontation coming.

"We don't know," answers Serena looking at Lazarus.

"We haven't seen her since this morning after you left," says Lazarus.

"Come home with me tonight?" Constantine has been trying to persuade me to spend the night at his place, while I feel that I should go home. I feel kinda awkward about telling my parents that I'm spending the night at his place. Besides, I left everything at home when I went for the run this afternoon. I don't even have my phone with me.

"Maybe some other time?" I'm blushing beet red. Oh, goddess, why am I so weird, and awkward....and weird? Why oh why can't I be normal?

"What about me spending some time at yours?" He smiles roguishly. His silver grey eyes glint mischievously. I get the feeling that he's enjoying making me blush way too much. He also knows how much I want to spend the whole night with him. He's so hot and...blast him and this mate bond feeling sharing thingy!

"This thing....about sensing each other's feeling, it's great and all...but Is there any way I can keep my feelings to myself?" I finally ask him.

"What, you don't want to share your feelings with me, sweetheart?" He flashes his straight white teeth.

"I do, but...not all the time." Especially not now.

"I know. There's no off button anywhere, but you can hide it a bit...sort of like turning the volume of a radio down. You can't totally turn it off, especially if you're experiencing some strong feelings like extreme sadness or fear, or anger....or passion," he whispers the last word in my ear. The warmth of his breath teasing my skin. Funny bunnies!!! I grab the back of his neck and slam my lips against his. I kiss him long, hard and good until we're both panting.

"Meet me up in my room later tonight," I inform him breathlessly.

He grins like he just won a round of battle. Well, he just did. That was an easy win for him.

Gah!!! I'm such a sucker for this hot, delicious, irresistible...

"Sweetheart," he groans, reaching for me again. Oops... I forgot that he can totally feel me.

It's fifteen minutes later that I finally walk on unsteady legs across our driveway. Sheesh, I need a shower. A cold one. Wait! I didn't even get to know how to tune my feelings down from him. Arghhh...Genesis! One little whisper and you forgot everything. I suck!

The tv in our living room is on. I know mom and dad are watching their favorite show. So I sneak in the back and climb up the window into my room. I'm amazed at my own agility now. I doubt that my parents or Autumn can hear me.

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