Chapter LVI - I Can Smell Your Fear

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"There's law against harming your own mate," declares Alpha Carrington. "You broke both his arms!"

Well...I just broke his one arm. In two places, admittedly, but technically still just one arm. Constantine broke his other arm. Another thing, important one... Logan is not my mate! Sheesh!!!

I saved his life too...three times now. But hey, who's counting? Me! I am.

Right now I'm sitting in the principal's office, listening to Alpha Carrington's rant, while having a monologue in my own head. What? He yaks so much that I can't get a word in edgeways. So I talk to myself, in my own head...and well, okay, I am weird.

Alpha Carrington has his two big warriors standing guard at the door in the reception area. He goes everywhere with his guards. I know he's an alpha and all, but really??? I guess there's no cure for delusions of grandeur. I have an urge to roll my eyes, but under current circumstances, I don't think that's a great idea.

Our school principal, Mr. Bennet is sitting behind his desk, staring at his folded hands in front of him. Now, here's the man who is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He can't go against his own Alpha, but I can't imagine him punishing the mate of a king's nephew either. Oh, poor principal Bennet.

Mr. Bennet isn't that bad actually. I gave the man such headaches countless of times. I'm surprised he still keeps his job. Pretty soon I'm sure he's going to press his fingers against the bridge of his nose like he always did when Penny and I put our innocent faces on and answered his questions with our own vague questions.

"My boy Logan has suffered enough. Soon he's going to be an Alpha. He needs a luna by his side," Alpha Carrington keeps on ranting. Oh gosh, it's not over yet. Is this torture ever going to end? I would've fast forward it if I could. Okay, back to monologue.

Principal Bennet has that little bald spot on his head. That always bothers me. I bet if he uses a dark eyeliner....

"Genesis?" principal Bennet is asking me.

Huh? "What?" Oh, fuzzy slippers...I was too deep in monologue.

He sighs. "I said, you should tell us your side of the story. What happened, Genesis?"

"What did Logan tell you?" Gosh, I didn't even realize that I was doing it again. Answering his question with another question.

Like I predicted, principal Bennet is now squeezing the bridge of his nose. I'm psychic!!!

"She broke his arms! What else is there to know? My son just wanted to discuss rationally if there's a possibility she would consider coming back to him, but she broke his arms!" Alpha Carrington explodes. See what I mean? He won't even let me tell my side of the story.

Anyway, that's about correct except that he went cray cray while discussing it. Logan is crazy to even think I'd consider leaving Constantine to be with him even for a minute.

Principal Bennet then rubs his forehead and closes his eyes. "Okay then, Genesis. This is serious, but you only have just over a week before your exams start. So, I'll give you a week of suspension," he sighs.

"A week of suspension???" Alpha Carrington springs out of his chair. His voice reverberates throughout the whole office. "She broke the future alpha's arms. She injured her own mate! She would have to stand in council's trial. She would have to be held in the pack's cell while awaiting trial."

Wait! What??? "What?" Pack's cell is only for murderers and rogues! I can't be in the pack's cell. It's nasty down there.

Principal Bennet's eyes about bulged in their sockets. He then says timidly, "now, Alpha Carrington, if I may..."

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