(Trapping Quincy) Caspian and Quincy

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Quincy: I'm a human. I'm a human living among the werewolves. My mom is a werewolf. She had a drunken fun one night with a stranger, a human. The union was not supposed to bear an offspring. I'm not supposed to happen, but here I am. I'm abominable of nature. I'm an outsider.

Growing up, I was okay with it because my Nana loved me. Then Nana died. They moved me to the pack house. Now, they want to trap me. They want to make me their unpaid maid. Their old Alpha three times my age wants to make me his.

My Nana nurtured me a dream to go off to college. So I run. I run not because I'm a coward. I run to save myself. I will have nothing to do with their kind anymore. I'll be a normal human among other normal humans. I'll be so normal, even the most average normal humans will feel like freaks next to my normal ass. They will bow down before me and call me Queen Normal.

Then I see him. A greek god or whatever you want to call it. I've never thought of any guys as Greek God before. I thought that was just the shitz they say in romance books, but that's the word that came to my mind as soon as I saw him. Greek God. The best specimen of men...but I know he's not human. He's not a werewolf either...so what is he? I'm curious. I'm attracted... well, okay, maybe I'm a little bit obsessed. I'm a lot of things, but I know I shouldn't get close to his kind..whatever he is. He ignores all girls attention as if they're beneath him. I caught his eyes one day, then all hell broke lose.

Caspian: I've been looking for my erasthai for decades. My mother dearest, the queen of all werewolves and lycans is pressuring me to marry Lady Celeste. I'm supposed to take over the throne from my father and make lady Celeste my queen. I want nothing to do with her. I want my erasthai.

Then I saw her. She's a human. The most beautiful mesmerizing creature ever, and she's mine!

I thought it's going to be easy. It should have been easy. Come on, ALL girls want me. I mean, look at me. I'm gorgeous! Mirrors weep when I walk passed them.

She refused to give me the time of the day. Well, too bad princess. I'm not about to let you get away. I'll crush all other competitions. I'm Prince Caspian. I always get what I want.


So that's Caspian and Quincy. I might change things if I think it's too boring for my taste, but for now, that's the gist of it.

I have so many things going on, I don't know if I should start with Penny and Darius first, or Caspian and Quincy first. I also have a few other books on the backburner. Some are so crazy, I don't know if they should see the light of the day :P .

Anyway, one of these stories will be posted in a couple of weeks. I'll see you guys then!

Much love,


Catching Genesis (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz