Chapter XXXIX - Stupid Royal Brat

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I stomp up to my bedroom as soon as I get home. The whole house is quiet, nobody's home yet it seems. I ran out of school as soon as the last bell rang. I ran all the way home so that I won't have to see anybody, especially Constantine. I'm such a coward, I know.

Urghh...I feel like breaking something. Something like Constantine's gorgeous face. Stupid lycan.

"You would think, after living for hundreds of years they'd understand women better." I mumble to myself. "Fine is not FINE. When I said I needed space, I meant.."

"Do you always talk to yourself, Red?"

I jump in fright, holding both my hands up to my chest. "Caspian!!!"

"Is this a normal habit of yours? Is it harmless...or should I be worried?" he drawls playfully. Caspian is sitting comfortably on my bed, casually flipping through my sketchpad.

"Oh shut up, Caspian!" I snatch the pad out of his hands. "Are you trying to kill me? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He laughs. "Oh Genesis, even when you're mad, you're entertaining. If Constantine hadn't claimed you, I would've claimed you myself."

"How did you get in here?" I demand to know. My hands on my hips.

He grins charmingly, displaying his straight white teeth, then he glance at the wide open window.

I should've known. I really should teach these lycans how to use the front door.

"Not that it's not an honor and all that crap, but why are you here, oh Your Royal Highness?"

"Ha! You're in a foul mood...almost as bad as Constantine," he observes. My heart flips just from hearing his name. I'm hopeless.

"How very observant of you. Now why are you here, Caspian?" I really just want to be alone and wallow in self pity...and make a doll of Milan in straws and poke pins and needles on it. Then I'll gouge its eyes out, cut it into tiny pieces and burn it. Preferably doing it all while having a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

"Why, I miss you Red," he replies with injured expression. "I hardly get any chance to talk to you since we got back from Russia...and others are no fun."

I almost laugh at his glum expression. He's such a kid. Set the two of us loose together somewhere, and we're talking about the beginning of a major disaster.

"Did he ever tell you about Antonia?" he asks suddenly. "We don't talk about her much, but I expect Constantine to tell you about her." He pats a spot on the bed beside him.

"Yeah, he did," I sigh and plonk myself down. I really have no way of getting rid of Caspian, until he's good and ready to go. Maybe it's a good thing to have somebody to talk to. Even if that somebody is Caspian.

"She was like a little sister to us all. When Antonia died, it affected us deeply. Constantine especially. Though no bloodbath, he destroyed a part of the palace.

As for Milan, I know her game. She was never very nice to Antonia either...nor to Serena. We knew she won't like having you around. I guess that's why we never mentioned you in front of her.

Lazarus and Constantine are always blind when it comes to her. Sometimes I think Constantine and Lazarus see her as a replacement for Antonia. To me she'll never be that. She's completely the opposite of Antonia. Antonia was sweet, sincere, and loyal. Milan is deceitful, manipulative, and self-serving.

She wants Constantine, but she wants the crown more. When father expressed his desire to pass the throne down to me, she came to me hoping that I'll make her my mate and my queen. Now that my father threatened to hand the crown to Constantine, she's determine to dig her claws back into him."

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