Chapter LVII - One With The Pack

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A special shout out to one of my cuddly bunnies @Geek_queen77199 on her birthday, today. Happy Birthday!!!! Have a good one ❤️❤️❤️


I open my eyes to a dimly lit room. A tiny sliver of sunlight seeps in through a gap between two heavy curtains. It's still very early and I'm already awake, so I'm feeling very proud of myself. I lift Constantine's arm that's resting possessively over my hips carefully and slink out quietly.

After a shower, I put on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a green tank top and stand at the foot of the bed brushing my hair while watching him sleep. I'm such a creeper, I know. But hey, when you have a mate with a body of a greek god who is now lying naked on his stomach in bed with the sheet barely covering his tight sexy behind who could blame me? His head is lying sideways on the pillow, so I can see his sharp angular profile with high cheekbone, a strong nose, and chin, and sensual lips. His hair is tousled and his thick dark eyelashes lay across his cheek.

He moves and his breathing changes as he's waking up, and the bedsheet slips even lower. Instantly his hand is searching for me over the bed, his eyes still closed. When his hand can't find me, his frowns. Suddenly he opens his eyes and raises his head up, looking alert. His eyes quickly search the bed then the room until they land on me. He sighs and lay his head back down while his lips slowly curl up into a lazy heart-stopping smile.

"What are you doing over there? You should be in here," his voice is still husky from sleep.

"Nu-uh, I'm early today. I shall not be persuaded by you and your wicked ways to remain in bed till...uh, we're late again."

He turns over, throws his head back and chuckles deliciously. "You enjoy it, though. Come on, admit that you enjoy my wicked ways, way more than standing there."

Cuddly bunny and fuzzy slippers!!! I stubbornly shake my head while brushing my hair, trying to look away from his hard muscled body. He's hard everywhere! I mean everywhere!!! Stay strong! Stay strong!!!

"Get over here," he commands, patting the comfortable looking space on the bed, beside him. "You know you want to," his silver-gray eyes are smoldering. Crazy cow and funny slippers..or whatever!!! My heart does a little pitter patter. Gah!!!!! His smile is growing. I bet he can feel that I'm weakening.

Just as I'm about to give in and jump into bed with him, he gets up. "Very well, have it your way," he sighs deeply. There's a wicked smile playing on his lips that I don't quite trust. He's up to something. I don't know what it is yet, but I know he is up to something. I can feel it.

He slowly saunters across the room in all his naked glory. His body is magnificent and he knows it. He takes his time picking up yesterday's items of clothing off the floor and chucks them into the hamper. His muscles flex as he moves. Just before he steps into the bathroom he turns to me and says, "too bad you've already showered. I could have my wicked ways with you in the shower too."

"You're still welcome to join me and my wicked ways, though," he announces through the open bathroom door as he starts the shower. The water in this house warms up very quickly as soon as you turn on the tap. I can see him clearly through the shower clear glass enclosure. Streams of water running down his face, his naked chest, and flat stomach, and....Gah!!!! Run!!! Run!!! No, stay!!! I'm so weak.

I manage to tear my eyes away and walk out of our bedroom on unsteady legs. Darn that lycan mate of mine!

I'm surprised to see Caspian standing on the landing of the grand staircase as if he's waiting for me as I walk down the stairs.

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