Chapter LIII - Mature eyes, Immature Hearts

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He kicks the door to his bedroom close and throws me onto the bed. I bounce up and down on the huge bed, staring up at him.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he drawls playfully. "The real question is, what wouldn't I do to you, my love?"

He pounces and I yelp and bound onto the other side of the bed. He looks up and predatory look enters his eyes and his smile turns wicked.

"I thought we're doing a painting session?" I squeak, scanning the room for any possible area to escape.

Taking my eyes off him proves to be a mistake as he leaps gracefully out of the bed. I manage to jump to the other side of the bed in time...just barely.

"Well, then...take off all your clothes and model for me," he suggests, his voice sounds amused.


"Or maybe we're skipping the painting part and doing what comes right after," he adds with a widening smile.

Yikes!!! I walk slowly around the bed to the furthest side away from him. His eyes follow my movement with a watchful but playful and amused look. It reminds me of a big cat playing with its meal before the kill.

I think me running away from him just provokes his predatory nature, and him stalking me just triggers my flight instinct. I'm set on winning....I think.

I grin at him, showing my full set of pearly whites as we observe each other, trying to read each other's next move. I can feel his excitement growing at this cat and mouse well as his hunger for me. That makes my stomach clenched in excitement.

"Wait till I get my hands on you," he warns me, grinning wickedly.

"IF you ever get your hands on me," I challenge him with a smirk.

"I take that as a challenge. You know how much challenges excite me, my love."

"You know how good I am at running, my darling," I return haughtily.

"Is that so?"


I spring right over the bed as he leaps to my side and makes a grab for my waist. I manage to elude him again this time. I think he's just playing with me, though. We both know how fast he can be when he's really serious about it.

He smiles roguishly as he observes the distance between us. I tip my chin up and raise an eyebrow daringly at him. Ha!!! I know I'm losing, but I'd rather go down with style and spunk.

He looks like he's trying hard not to laugh at my audacity. He winks just before he dives to the right, and I run the other way. At the last moment he turns and in a blink of an eye, he has me pinned to the wall with both my hands trapped in one of his at the top of my head. Darn it!!!

"Gotcha!" he grins wolfishly down at me.

His silver-gray eyes darken in excitement. His warm breath teasing my skin. My chest rises up and down as my heart beats fast and my breathing labored from the excitement of the chase. His thick sooty eyelashes fan downward as he stares down at my lips, then they go lower still to my rising and falling chest. Men! They get distracted by breasts so easily. I try to take advantage of the situation by trying to jerk my hands off his grip. No such luck! he's so strong. He just grins but keeps his eyes trained on my chest.

He leans in closer, his lips lightly graze my cheek and the shell of my ear. "You know how good I am at catching you, my darling...and you're not getting away from me," he whispers. My heart beats faster and my stomach clenches deliciously.

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