Chapter XIV - Constantine

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I hear a beep of an incoming message on my phone at six thirty the next morning. Who would be sending me a text message at six thirty on a Sunday morning? I pull a pillow over my head.

But then I wonder if it's Kevin. I called him so many times last night, wondering how he's doing. All of my calls went into his voice mail. I wonder if he's okay.

Don't do it! Don't do it! Just close your eyes and go back to sleep! Gah!!! I suck! I open one eye and sneak a peek. Then I have both my eyes wide open in surprise.

Constantine. My heart races just by seeing his name on the screen. I'm wide awake now. How can one person have such power over me? He's not even my mate.

Constantine : Had a busy night last night?

How did he know? I struggle with what to write back to his text.

Me : What r u talking about?

Better fake ignorance rather than confess or outright deny. I wait with a racing heart for his reply, biting my lips in agitation and anticipation. Not even a minute later my phone beeps again.

Constantine : U know what I'm talking about, Sunshine.

What's with him calling me Sunshine now?

Me : What's it to you? We're not even friends.

There! Let's see what he has to say to that!

Constantine : No. We're more.

What??? I fall off the bed.

Owww...I think I break my butt.

So far I think I've been pacing the floor of my bedroom almost forty times. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I'm getting dizzy.

"Meet me 7 am at the park behind Carson Hill's Public School." said his last text. I know where the park is. It's near the wooded area where not many people goes to anymore. Especially on a Sunday morning like this.

It is now 6.47 am. Should I go? It's not like I don't have enough on my plate right now. I have no business getting anywhere near a lycan.

Ezra is quiet. No help there. She's been quiet since Friday night when I felt the pain. She was quiet even when we're around Logan last night. I wonder if that means she's sticking to her guns about staying away from the mate who keeps hurting us.

I shouldn't go meet with Constantine. I should stay away from him. At least that's what the rational part of my brain is telling me. Since when did I listen to my brain anyway?

I rush to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth in a hurry. Then I run a brush through my hair very quickly and tie it up in a ponytail.

I dash back into my bedroom and stare at my phone. Five minutes left. I really should stay away. Lycans are not to be messed with. Werewolves are deadly, but we're nowhere near as powerful as the lycans.

Nope, I shouldn't go. Lycans are a whole new level of danger. However, something powerful inside of me rebelling against the idea of me not going. It's pulling me to go. It's like the pulling of a mate and it scares me as well as excites me.

Arrgghhh....I throw myself into my bed and pull the cover over my head. I pull my hair tie off and hug my knees to my chest under the cover. I close my eyes and all I can see is Constantine's mesmerizing silver grey eyes, his beautiful face that's being carved by the hands of a god..or goddess...his smile, his lips. Goddess, I'm so going to regret not going and find out what he has to say. I know that for certain.

I screech and spring out of my bed in alarm when my warm comfy blanket is being stripped off of me.


Right here in my bedroom. Constantine in my bedroom? I'm not dreaming, am I? But he's standing there not five feet away from me. His eyes slowly traveling the length of my body. His sexy lips curve up into a tiny smile.

What? How? I'm standing there with my mouth opening and closing without a sound coming out. Then I notice my bedroom window wide open. The curtains are blowing in the wind. Right. He came in through the window.

"Nice. Though I prefer to sleep in nothing at all, I like your pyjama choice." he drawls.

I automatically look down at myself, even when I already knew what I put on for bed last night. A baby blue boy shorts pyjama bottom with a matching tank top that says, "EYES UP HERE" across the chest.

They don't cover much at all. His eyes clearly shows how much he's enjoying the view.

I yelp in horror and dive into my closet for cover. My face, without a doubt is flaming red.

He laughs lowly. The sound is deep and sexy. Goddess, even the sound of his laughter is making me weak in the knees. How am I going to function around him?

"What are you doing here?" I squeak, trying to sound angry. It's easier to talk to him when I'm hiding out in my closet.

"You didn't come to me, so I came for you."

He came for me? The lycan is messing with my head.

I quickly changed into a pair of grey yoga pants and a black short sleeved v neck t-shirt.

I peek out slowly through the doorway. It's surreal to have him in my room.

It doesn't seem like he belongs here, but he's now lying on my bed with his back against the headboard. His arms folded behind his head, looking completely at home. He has black jeans and a tight black t-shirt on. The fabric stretches against his broad chest and flat stomach. His sexy well muscled body takes over my whole twin bed.

I try to be mad. I should be mad. He shouldn't be here.

But oh goddess, isn't he gorgeous? His dark brown hair is tousled and has slight curls in it. His silver grey eyes always have intensity in them, even when he looks totally relaxed. His sharp chiseled features is out of this world.

He's studying my room. The pictures of me with my family, and my friends scattered all over the memory board beside the bed.

He turns his piercing grey eyes on me as soon as I step out of the closet. To have such attention focuses on me is somewhat unnerving. I force down the urge to smooth down my shirt and tuck away any stray hair on my head.

"A shame," he smiles playfully. "I much prefer what you had on before."

My heart stutters and my cheeks are blazing red again. It annoys me that I feel like everything is out of my control where this lycan is concerned.

It feels as if he's undressing me with his eyes as they rake me from head to toe.

"Stop looking at me like that," I finally snap, looking away.

"Looking at you like what?" it's clear from the sound of his voice that he finds me amusing. That's another thing that riles me. Me embarrassing myself at every turn every time he's near, and him, finding me amusing.

"Like a perv," I answer him, showing my annoyance.

"Not a perv when I'm looking at something that belongs to me."

My head snaps back up to look at him. He must be joking right?


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