Chapter XVI - Cloud Nine and Crash Landing

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The atmosphere between us changes after that. I think Constantine makes an effort to make me feel more at ease and relaxed around him. We play stupid games like 20 questions as we walk through the woods. It's surprising how I'm able to talk freely with him. I seem to be able to make him laugh with my ability to say stupid things. After a while I forget how formidable he can be. Every now and then, when I glance up at him, my breath hitches at how perfect he looks. However I don't feel like his sense of power is intimidating anymore. In fact, it strangely feels as if that power is enveloping me. It makes me feel powerful and protected. Makes me feel as if I'm part of him. I don't question it. I'm just enjoying it.

"Okay, my turn. How old are you?" I ask him.

"Very old," is his answer.

"Oh come on, I'll tell you how old I am, if you tell me how old you are," I tempt him. I'm very curious. He looked like he was 18 three years ago. He still looks like he's 18 now.

He chuckles. "I already know how old you are, sunshine. Why don't you ask questions that normal people usually ask? Like what my favorite color is."

"Lame! Don't normal people ask how old you are? Besides, I already know your favorite color. Black. You're always wearing black."

"Polite normal people don't ask questions about other people's age. Besides, you're wrong. I like red. Like the color of your hair."

"I like Blue. Okay, so color was your question. Now it's my turn."

"Again?" he groans.

"So, when were you born?"

Constantine bursts out laughing. The sound of his deep laughter send the whole army of butterflies going crazy in my tummy.

"You don't give up, do you Sunshine?"

"Nope, I'm pretty stubborn," I announce proudly.

"Alright then, I was born in year 1703 in Bucharest, though my parents aren't Romanian." he says casually. His eyes are regarding me carefully as if gauging for my reaction.

"That's not so hard wasn't it?" I grin up to him. "So, where are your parents now? Where're they from?"

"Nope, I think it's my turn now," he grins. "You didn't run for the hills after I told you my age. Why?"

I shrug. "I don't know...I think I sorta expected that. I know lycans live a long time...much longer than werewolves."

"We don't age like werewolves," he nods.

"Why do you call me Sunshine?" I ask him, truly curious.

"Because the evening sun was shining through the glass window that first day I saw you. It hit your face and your hair. It made your face glow and your hair fiery red." He takes a lock of my hair between his fingers. His face is full of wonder as he stares at it. Then his eyes shift to my face. "You're the most fascinating thing I've ever laid eyes on. I could look at you, listen to you, and breath in your scent all day and all night and still can't get enough. You're on my mind every single minute of everyday. You're the most important person to me even when you don't know it. I don't understand the power you have on me, but I can't fight it."

I arrived back home just after 11 am. Our hands brushed once, sending delicious sparks shooting through my entire body. By the third time our hands touched, Constantine took my hand in his. Oh cuddly bunnies and fuzzy slippers! My poor heart. We walked with our fingers entwined that last few minutes together and now I'm in cloud nine.

We part ways reluctantly. So much for me wanting more time to think things through. Are we going too fast or three years too slow? I have no idea. The only thing that I know now is that I'm in cloud nine.

I take my shower in cloud nine. I brush my hair in cloud nine. I put on my outfit for the day in cloud nine.

I must be dreaming. This is too perfect to be real.

I walk downstairs to join my family for brunch in cloud nine too.

"How's your date with Kevin last night?" asks mom looking strangely worried.

I crash back down to earth. Oh gosh! Does she know? Did anybody tell her about my doomed date last night?

I slide down my seat at the breakfast table trying to look nonchalant. First and foremost, look innocent. Then ask vague questions to find out how much they really know. These steps have served me well throughout my 18 years of living.

"Why?" is my first vague question.

"Honey, we have an invitation to dinner at Alpha Carrington's house tonight," mom informs me.

Huh? "What? Why?" I ask feeling faint.

Dad sets his coffee mug down and looks at me seriously. I'm not liking where this is going.

"Well, sweetie...Logan seems to have changed his mind and decided to accept you as his mate and luna after all," explains my dad.

I almost fall off my chair.

Logan did what? Must be the Alpha's decision. Last time I heard, Logan still wanted Mia to rule the pack by his side.

"Does Logan know about this? I'd you know about this?" I look at both mom and dad.

"Alpha Carrington himself called this morning," says dad. "He invited us for dinner to apologize and to discuss plans for the future."

My heart sink to the bottom of my shoes. I want my cloud nine back. I just want to be drunk on Constantine's presence again.

"Isn't it great honey? He must've realized that he can't live without his mate. The mate's attraction is too strong to resist. Soon you'll have your mate," smiles mom.

I try to smile back, but I think my smile looks forced.

"I understand that being a luna is a big responsibility, but you'll be great at it, Genesis. I know you would," says mom, misunderstanding my reluctance and troubled look.

I notice my parents looking at each other in puzzle and concern as my mom pats my hand soothingly. They must be wondering why I'm looking so down.

"Tell you what, let's go shopping for a dress for tonight," suggests mom, trying to cheer me up.

"Okay," I agree slowly, even though I just feel like sitting at home and dream about Constantine all day.


Well, my cuddly bunnies, I decided to post another chapter. Two chapters in one evening...that's what happen when your friends bail on you (you know who you are) :P . I hope you guys like this chapter.

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