Chapter VIII - "Let's Talk" Never Ends Well

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Last night I felt it again. Logan was with somebody, probably Mia. They did it over and over again. My healing stomach is decorated with new bruises. I woke up tired and cranky this morning.


Oh no...I know that voice. Kevin. He's been bugging me today.He's serious when he said that he's not giving up.

"Here comes your admirer," giggles Penny. She finds it funny. I find it very annoying, but I've been trying really hard not to be rude to him. I know too well how it feels like to be cruelly rejected.

"Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone then," she winks at me, then she makes a kissy kissy face before leaving me with Kevin in the hallway. "So much for being a loyal best friend!" I wanted to shout after her.

"What's up Kevin?"

"What kind of flowers do you like? Do you like red roses?" he's been asking me random questions like that all day today.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I'm getting increasingly annoyed every time he stops me in the hallway or in a classroom to ask questions.

"Would you go out with me this Saturday?" he always ends it up by asking me out and I'm so getting tired of it. How many times do you have to say NO?

"No. What part of the word no are you not getting, Kevin?" I finally snap at him.

The look from shock to crestfallen on his face makes me feel really bad and guilty.

"I'm sorry...I'll leave you alone now. It's just stupid of me...I just like you...I'm sorry to bother you." he walks away with his shoulders slump and head down. Goddess, I'm a monster!

"Kevin! Wait!" I run after him and grab his arm. "Look, I'm sorry okay?"

"No, I'm sorry. What was I thinking? You're way out of my league..."

"No, I'm not out of your league...that's just silly."

"Yes you are...but my friend Justin said if I keep asking, you'll say yes....eventually. So I kept trying. A girl like you would never go out with a guy like me."

Oh goddess...don't say it, don't say it. "Okay, I'll go out with you." Gah!!! I suck!

His eyes get really big. "Really?"

"Yeah..." I sigh. What did I just do?

Kevin's face split into a big smile, and I then I'm engulfed into a big suffocating hug. "Thank you. You won't regret it."

I already am.

He lets me go and I realize that we're the only people in the hallway. I am so late for my next class. Then I smell the scent that I both crave and dread. Logan is close by.

"Gosh! I'm late for Gym," exclaims Kevin. "I'll pick you up at 6 on Saturday, okay? I'll text you."

"Yeah....okay." How did he get my number?

"We'll have a great time together, I just know it," he grins. His blue eyes shining. All of a sudden he gives me a peck on the cheek, then off he goes with a big smile on his face.

"Well, well, well...for an Omega, you don't take instructions very well, do you? I told you not to do one thing. You're either too stupid or too stubborn to listen. Either way, I'll enjoy breaking you, my sweet," drawls Logan.

I tear my gaze away from his golden good looks and his blazing blue eyes. His looks and his scent is messing with my senses. His words are drawing fury out of me and my wolf Ezra. Usually I don't mind, but this time my chest is growing hot, that's how angry Ezra is for being called an Omega. It reminds me of the strong Alpha blood that is coursing through me.

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