Chapter LV - One With the Ninja Power

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I turn to look at Constantine's direction. He's already staring at us. His eyes narrow speculatively.


I turn to look at Logan again. He looks awful. He's unshaven. Fuzzy light brown hair covers half his face. His golden hair isn't as shiny and nicely combed and styled as usual. The light in his sea blue eyes are gone. They are dulled, troubled, and red-rimmed.

I'm suddenly feeling conflicted. I really don't want to, but I feel like I need to talk to Logan at some point. There's always a sense of an unfinished business between us. At the same time, I know my mate wouldn't like me to be talking to him. I know I wouldn't like it too if it was Constantine who's going off to talk to his ex-lover or some other girl.

I do need to talk to Logan, though. I can't have this unfinished business hanging over my head forever. I stand up hesitantly and Serena put a hand on my arm. She has a blank look on her face, but I can feel her unease. I can feel the pack disapproval. I feel Constantine's warning anger growing.
"I have to do this," I whisper to Serena, Reese, Penny and River.

Serena eases her hold on my arm. Reese, Penny, and River are giving Logan death glares.

I turn to face Constantine once again. The heat of his anger is there. I plead with my eyes for him to understand just before I follow Logan to the other side of the building.

Logan's minions are standing at the corner watching us. He nods at them and they move a bit further away, giving us a bit more privacy.

His eyes scan me from top to bottom then up again before they linger on my face. I fidget with the edge of my top for a while, waiting for him to say something. I don't like having people, except for my mate to be watching me so closely like that.

"You're looking good, Genesis," he starts finally. "Hell, you're looking better than good. You have all boys drooling over you. I bet you already knew that," he adds almost bitterly.

And you're not looking so good...well, I'm just thinking that. I don't think it's wise to say that out loud. Oh, he's still attractive, but I think he could do with a shower and a shave...I don't think he looks too hot with a five o'clock shadow. Unlike Constantine.

"Uh...thank you, I think. Is that all you need to talk to me about?" I didn't mean to sound so snotty, it just comes out that way.

"No," he scowls. "He's marked you," it's more of a statement rather than a question. His eyes travel to my neck, his eyes show his confusion for a while at the lack of a mark on it.

My mark is on my shoulder, rather than on my neck like werewolves. I was told that only other lycans can sense another marked lycans. Most werewolves can't sense this.

"But I felt it," he looks puzzled.


"I felt it when he marked you...he must have...I mean, the pain was intense. And last night..." his voice trails away and his eyebrows furrow.

"Yes, he did. He's marked me," I reply. He must have felt our...uh..painting sessions last night too. Yikes! I don't know how to feel about that. I wanted to get back at him for making me suffer from his whoring around before...but I'm not so sure now. I mean, I've moved on. I'm happy with Constantine. I don't care about revenge anymore and I certainly don't want him to "feel" anything every time I'm "with" Constantine.

"So that was it. That's what I felt last night. The pain. I felt it every damn time he's fvcking you," he spats. He grits his teeth and he runs his fingers through his unruly hair in agitation.

"No more than I felt you when you're fvcking those whores," I snap back. I suffered through those pain, I refuse to feel guilty for what he's feeling now.

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