Chapter XXIX - I Show You Mine, You Show Me Yours

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None of the representatives from our pack or Red Convel Pack seems happy with outcome of the meeting. When the king and the lycans are involved, nobody can do anything but obey. The only person who seems to be very satisfied with the result is my grandfather Quentin. His granddaughter is claimed by a Lycan. His pack now has a connection to the royalty. That's quite an honor to our family, he claimed. He walks out of the pack meeting room looking extremely proud and pleased. Alpha Carrington looks visibly upset and Logan looks furious.

I watch my dad, grandfather Quentin, Alpha Carrington, Lord Archer, Lazarus, Caspian, and Constantine talk outside the pack assembly room building.

I'm standing under a tree, quite away from everybody else. Serena is standing beside me, looking calm and elegant.

"How did you and Lazarus meet?" I ask her curiously.

A soft smile plays on her lips. "We met during the Great Smog of London in 1952," she says.

That explains the trace of British accent that I can still hear when she talks.

"I was almost 19, I had no family apart from an aunt and my uncle who raised me. I hadn't yet found my mate and was about to be forced to mate with a man 20 years my senior.

Lazarus just appeared out of the smog. Though there's nothing romantic about the dreadful smog, I thought he was the most beautiful looking man I'd ever seen. I can't take my eyes off of him. I thought if I blinked, he'd disappear," she laughs softly. "We mated and marked each other soon after we met. He took me away from there. Here I am with him now. The only place I want to be. With him."

That get me thinking about me and Constantine. I know I asked for more time...but I'm more than ready to mate and be marked by him now. Question is, how do I tell him that I'm ready? I can't just bring the subject up....cuddly bunnies!!! I'd die of embarrassment.

"You're blushing again. Now what are you thinking?" inquires Serena with an amused, curious look on her exquisite face.

"Uh...Constantine and I, we haven't mated or marked each other yet. I told him I'd like some time..."

"But now you're ready," she states, rather than ask. "You know, it's really hard for them to wait. Their instinct is to mark and mate with you right away. I think Constantine is trying to show you how far he's willing to go for you...even if it kills him. He just needs a little signal, or a gentle encouragement. That's all."


She giggles and whispers wickedly in my ear, "you seduce him."

Seduce him...okay, seduce him...hmm...seduce him. How????

Fuzzy slippers!!! All the images flitting in my head about how I could go about seducing him are making me hot, and bothered, and embarrassed...and a little bit dizzy.

After a little while, Constantine disengages himself from the group. His grey eyes zone in on me right away as if he knew where I am at the whole time. He walks over and my heartbeat accelerates. His dark hair is mused up sexily, wind-blown. His suit, impeccable except for his tie, being swept aside by the wind.

"See you around Serena," he says without even looking at her as he takes hold of my hand.

Serena laughs softly and gives me a wink.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as he ushers me into his Aston Martin DB11.

"I have something to show you," he answers, as he gracefully slides behind the wheel, looking a bit apprehensive.

"What is it?" He's making me a bit nervous.

"No matter what I show you, would you promise not to freak out and run away from me?"

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