Chapter XLV - The One Who Drives Me Crazy

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"You don't seem to get it, sunshine. I might sound like a selfish bastard, but I've waited all my life for you. Over three hundred lonely years. You're my erasthai. Mine! I'm never letting you go."

"What about Milan?" I suddenly spit out. I can't keep it in any longer. He will not have us both. I did not escape from almost being Logan's side woman/mate to become Constantine's second choice. It was painful to hear it from Logan. It would kill me if I had to go through the same thing with Constantine.

His eyebrows rise in surprise. Then he frowns in confusion. It's like that was the last thing he expected me to say. "What about her?"

"Aren't you in love with her? Aren't you going to keep her too?"

"What???" he utters, looking appalled. "What gave you that idea?"

"Milan! You wanted to have fun with her in Russia. That's why you left me here!" I snap. My sadness has turned into rage. "Well, I won't be anyone's woman on the side. Next time you want to spend time alone with her, don't even bother to lie...because..because... I won't be here for you to lie to. Ever! You two can spend all the time alone together. Forever!!!" I yell the last part as loud as I can, with all the fury I feel in me. Then I turn around, intent to make my grand getaway. Gosh! I sounded like a jealous housewife!!! If I had something in front of me now, I would totally bang my head against it...several times!

His powerful arm snakes around my waist faster than I can move. Totally ruined my dramatic escape. Gah!!! This man! Can't I at least keep some of whatever dignity I have left?

"You're jealous," he states in surprise, turning me around to face him. "That's it? All this...all this is because you're jealous?" he sounds almost amazed, and disbelieving...and happy. "There's no other man is there? You're just jealous."

Oh, he'd better not be laughing at me now! Jerk!!! I grit my teeth and glare up at him with my most vicious scowl. Ever.

"You're jealous? Of Milan?" he states again, sounding incredulous.

If he repeated those words again, I'll knee him in his baby maker. I swear it!

"But Sunshine, I have no interest in Milan at all. She's just a friend. You're my erasthai. You're my mate. Don't you understand how important you are to me? There's no one else for me but you!" His silver grey eyes gaze into mine with such intensity as if willing me to understand.

"You took her side when I told you she was hurting me and my friends. You chose to believe her over me. You chose her over me," I cry. I feel the hurt all over again.

"Oh, sweetheart..." he groans, cradling the back of my head with his hands. His thumbs wiping my tears. "I'm so sorry..." he pulls me close and rests his forehead against mine. "I didn't realize I was doing that. The last thing I want to do is hurting you. I would never intentionally hurt you. I certainly never. Ever. Choose anyone over you. Will ever forgive me?"

"What about Russia? Milan told me herself how you two had fun in Russia. She said you went there to be alone with her. Away from me," I pull away from him.

He clenches his jaw. "I see... sounds like she's been very busy telling you things. When did she tell you all this? What else had she been telling you?"

"She came to my house, Thursday. She told me to back off. She said that you love her and that you two are getting back together again. She said you'll believe her over me, that you'll choose her over me anytime."

"I see," his eyes narrow and seem thoughtful.

"She said that you two were lovers and that you two were going to be mates," I can't keep the hurt from my voice. "She said she will make you happy and forget all about me."

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