Chapter XLVII - O Hungry One

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I open my eyes to the sight of soft fluffy white clouds floating across the azure blue sky. To the sounds of the chirping birds, and the rustling of the grass and leaves in the wind. To the heat of the sun cooled by the gentle breeze kissing my skin. To the weight of Constantine's arm across my body, holding me close to him. I start to smile as I remember what happened.

I didn't expect to feel any difference after being mated and marked by Constantine, but I do. I feel our connection that wasn't there before. I can sense his feelings like I can feel Ezra. He's truly mine as I am truly his. Constantine used to cast his power, not only to stake his claim but also as a protection around me from time to time before. Now it's there all the time, even more powerful, secure, and permanent. It makes me feel powerful and strong.

I can also feel the connection to the Lycans. I can feel my bond with Caspian, Serena, and Lazarus. I can feel it before, but not quite as strongly. Now I can understand the possessiveness that they feel for me. I truly am part of their pack.

"Good morning, sweetheart...or rather good afternoon," he drawls lazily. His voice deep and playful and sexy. He's looking down at me with a smile on his lips.

Suddenly I realize that I'm not wearing anything, and I'm pressed up to his equally naked body. My cheeks start turning red and I raise my hand to cover myself.

He takes a hold of my hands and rolls slightly on top of me. "Sunshine, I've been watching you sleeping like that for a while now," he chuckles deeply.

He lets go of my hands and I quickly covers my face with both hands. Fuzzy slippers!!! I'm in hiding.

"How long had I been sleeping?" I ask through my fingers.

"For over an hour," he answers.

"And you've been watching me???" I shriek in horror.

"Sunshine," he pries my hands off my face. "You are beautiful...I could look at you for days and not do anything else....well, maybe I could think of a few things," he amends wickedly, which makes me blush harder.

"Pervert," I mutter.

He laughs harder. "Sweetheart, You're mine, you don't need to hide from me," he murmurs. "You're mine..." he whispers again and I look up into his face. The expression on his face takes my breath away. "Truly and totally mine," his thumb strokes his mark on my shoulder. The look in his eyes when he gazes down at me....with reverence, tenderness, love, and possessiveness.

Our bite marks don't turn into tattoos or anything like that. They stay as bite marks forever. A bite mark from each werewolf or lycan is as unique as a fingerprint. Not one is the same.

Marks from werewolves are different from that of lycans. I turn to look at mine on my left shoulder. Yup, I am marked by a lycan. A deep big bite mark that is shaped like a crescent moon. His two incisors are deeper than the rest. The mark is already darkening. It's going to turn black in a few more days. A mark by a werewolf is smaller and a bit more longish and dark purplish red on the skin.

"Yours," I smile up at him. "And you're mine," I growl playfully, fiercely tugging him closer. My finger traces my mark on his shoulder. I am amazed that my mark on him also looks like that of a Lycan's.

"Mine," whisper, and I'm totally serious. This powerful, dangerous, gorgeous creature is mine. Mine.

He throws his head back and laughs that amazing toe curling laugh. "My mate is possessive," he states, sounding oddly proud about it.

"We have to get back soon," he announces, observing the sky. It is getting late.

I kiss his naked chest lightly as I slide out from underneath him. Now, if only I can find my clothing.

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