Chapter XLII - Too Much Thinking Hurts My Brain

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As soon as I get back into the building after my talk with Hunter, I decided to look for the lycans. I know I'm such a coward, but it's high time that I stop running...for now.

It's in between classes, Caspian, Lazarus, and Serena are standing by the end of the hallway, talking to each other quietly. Constantine and Milan are still missing.

As soon as I get near them, they stop talking. The three of them turn to look at me. Caspian especially, looks furious. He closes the distance between us with a couple of steps. He grabs my shoulders, then he leans in and places his nose close to my neck. Wait! What the... Is he sniffing me?

"So now you decide to come back to us?" growls Caspian accusingly, close to my ear. Then he pushes me away. "Why don't you just go back to that human boy or that Beta mutt that I smell on you?" he adds before stalking away angrily,  sounding almost like he's jealous.

I stare at his retreating figure in shock...and hurt. Caspian maybe mischievous, a trouble maker, and a serial flirt but always in a playful, fun and harmless way. Sometimes, he's even affectionate. He's never mean or unkind. It hurts to have him talk to me that way.

"What is his problem???" I scowl at his retreating figure.

I turn to look at Lazarus who isn't looking very friendly either.

Fine! Be that way. I walk away, almost stomping my feet like a five year old. What's everyone's problem?

"Genesis!" Serena comes running after me. She takes my arm and leads me out the front exit, straight to the parking lot.

"Wait! School is not over yet," I protest as she unlocks her shiny red Mercedes Cabriolet and shoves me inside.

"It is over for us," she answers me firmly as she starts the engine.

She drives down the main street in silence for a couple of miles. Then she makes a swift turn into a dirt road and keeps driving until we finally reach a small bridge. There, she pulls to the side and turns off the engine. It's quite a nice place. It's isolated and surrounded by trees. I can hear the peaceful sound of water running underneath the bridge.

Wait! What if she's mad at me too, and now she's decided to kill me here?

She gets out of the car, and I follow suit. Oh well, if a lycan decided to kill you, there's no way you can avoid it. Might as well die in the hands of sweet and beautiful Serena rather anyone else's. By anyone else I mean Milan. I bet she'll make it very painful for me.

Sheesh...thinking about my own death is making me hungry. Did I have anything for dinner last night? or lunch yesterday? Why am I thinking about my own death and food right now? I don't know. I think lack of food and sleep is making me bonkers. I'm loosing it. I'm blaming it all on Constantine.

"We're almost in another pack's territory," Serena points out, breaking my crazy inner monologue. We find a spot to sit on, on the river bank.

We sit quietly listening to the sound of the running river, and the rustling of the leaves and branches, the chirping of birds and the crows in the distance. 

"Werewolves are gregarious beings. They like to travel or stay in packs," she states casually after a while. "Lycans are like that too. It might not seem that way sometimes, but we are. Though we can travel alone, we prefer to be in a pack...or at least as a couple. That's one of the reasons mates are important to us," she explains. "Genesis, whether you realize it or not, we are a pack. A small pack, but a pack nonetheless. You are one of us. You have been for the last three years."

Wait! I've been a member of a lycans pack for the last three years and I wasn't even aware of it? They're like the elite group in our school that even the populars can't touch. I had been walking around school looking at them all in awe like everyone else, and I was one of them? Oh, my head hurts. Too much thinking in one day.

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