Chapter VI - Operation Payback Phase 2

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Penny and I slip into our English lit classroom and take our regular seat near the middle, next to each other. The room is only half filled and a steady stream of students are still coming in.

"Did you see how he was staring at you?" whispers Penny excitedly, bringing her chair closer to mine.

Before I could answer, the door bangs open and Logan walks in looking hard at me. Boy, he's still so good looking. It's killing me. I lean back in my chair, trying to be as far away from him and his delicious smell as possible before I turn to give Penny a smile.

Ezra is once again going crazy and I decide to ignore her for now.

He slides into his seat in front of me, still facing the back, staring at me while I pretend not to notice.

Zeke takes a seat beside him, looking curiously at me.

"This should be fun," whispers Penny, laughing. She's having so much fun with this.

I flip my hair and turns around to face Zeke with a smile.

"Hey," I whisper softly but loud enough to make sure that he can hear me. I smile coyly at him before lowering my eyes to Julius Ceaser in front of me.

"Hi," Zeke answers and he gives me that slow smirk that melts so many girls's panties, as I peer up at him through my eyelashes. His eyes travel down the length of my legs underneath the table.

A growl beside him interrupts Zeke. The future Delta straightens up and snaps his head around to look at his future Alpha in alarm.

Logan is staring at us with a clenched jaw and dark eyes. His nose flares in anger. Even now he's looking hot. Well, hotter actually. I can feel Ezra's anger well as her attraction still, towards Logan and his wolf.

Well, well, well...theory tested. Steeling my resolve, I decide to ignore Logan and smile at Penny.

"Love, do you have a pen?" I ask her. That's a signal for us to exchange notes in class. Penny is watching the whole exchange with great interest. The only thing that's missing is a bowl of popcorn for her.

We can't mind link to each other in our human form. Only when we phase into our wolf form that it's possible for us to do so. So, texting and exchanging notes in class like regular humans for us.

This is killing me, I write to her

You're looking great and doing great, girl, says the note that Penny handed back to me.

You're enjoying this way too much, I write back and Penny giggles.

A buffed looking boy enters the classroom seconds before the teacher does. I can tell from his smell that he's a human. I smile when his eyes land on me and his eyes widen comically. Then he cockily makes his way over, sitting at an empty chair on the other side of me.

"Hey," he says, smirking. I smile flirtatiously at him once before deliberately ignoring him. I hear another growl and swallow the laughter that tries to escape my lips.

"So, how's it going?" the boy asks. I smile but keep my eyes trained to the front since the teacher has started teaching. I can see Logan clenching his jaw, his whole body is stiff. Oh I know, I'm feeling like jumping him right now too...even after he rejected us. Sad really. Pathetic.

Not wanting to be pathetic, I focus my attention to annoying him instead of jumping him.

I stretch my legs to the side, giving the human and Zeke a clear view of my long legs. The human boy doesn't disappoint, but Zeke stares straight ahead, looking a bit agitated.

"My name's Kevin. You're Genesis, right?" he keeps trying.

"Yep, you got that right," I mumble softly under my breath, but he must have heard me because Kevin shifts his chair closer to mine.

Logan is gripping the side of his desk tightly. So tightly, I wonder if he's going to break the table soon.

Wow, this is actually a lot of fun.

I wonder if he listens to a word our teacher is saying for the last fifteen minutes or so. I certainly haven't.

Then I have another idea. I rip a page of my notebook, making it obvious, and start writing. Then I make a show of passing the note to Penny.

The paper is ripped away from my fingers before Penny has the chance to grab it, not by our teacher, but by Logan Carrington.

He scans the note once, crumples it, then throws it on the wall. His desk scraps back noisily and his chair almost toppled over as he stands up and angrily stomps out of the room.

The whole class, including the teacher are left staring at the door where he disappears through.

In the note "to Penny" I wrote: Don't you think Zeke is hot? I think he is super hot! 

When I manage to meet up with the rest of my friends during lunch, Reese is bursting with excitement. Apparently Penny had been busy the whole morning, texting Reese about the development of our plan.

"I wish I was there," moans Reese, as we wait in line to get our food.

"You should've seen her. I think we've created a monster," gloats Penny.

"Remind me not to cross you girls," says River, laughing.

"As long as you're not hurting Reese, we're good, buddy," Penny pats his arms playfully, but with a wicked evil smile on her face.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he smiles dreamily into Reese's eyes.

"Those two make me sick sometimes," quips Penny as we walk to the table with our tray of food.

"You're just jealous," responds River.

"I think they all want to kill me right now," I whisper to my friends.

Most of the people at the popular table are staring at us...or me right now. Logan is nowhere to be seen, and Mia is giving me a deathly glare.

I choose to look away and ignore the glares.

"Wow, if looks could kill," says Penny.

I burst out laughing. Oh, it's not that funny...but what did these people expect of me? They'd probably love it if I just lie down and die.

That's probably what would've happened if it's not for my friends, my family and my wolf.

Ezra is strong, I'm proud of her.


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