Chapter XXVI - Grandpa is Coming to Town

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Constantine thinks that it's time that he should meet my parents. I think so too. People at school already know that I'm with a lycan by now. News like that travels fast. It's better that my parents know it from us, rather than from someone else.

I ask him to come back later so that I can break it to my parents first before they meet him. They'll be home pretty soon.

"Why can't I come in with you now? I'll be very good," he promises. He constantly needs to be touching me, especially after I told him about Alpha Carrington's plan. It's like he needs to reassure himself that I'm his and nobody's taking me away from him.

"Really? You promise to behave?" I raise an eyebrow at him disbelievingly.

"I didn't say I'll behave. I said I'll be good...very good," his lips curl up into a sexy, naughty smile. His silver grey eyes alight with mischief.

"That's what I'm afraid of," I reply, suppressing a thousand butterflies about to break free in my tummy at the look on his gorgeous face. It's still hard for me to believe that this beautiful, powerful lycan is mine.

"Are you telling me that you didn't enjoy it, Sunshine?" he nibbles my ear. I shriek out and laugh. That tickles. I peek out to see if any neighbors are looking in the car at us.

"Bad bad boy," I admonish him, trying to sound stern. I totally ruin it by grinning at the end. "I'll see you in three hours. They'll be home and informed by then." They usually have an employee, Mrs Adams or her daughter looking after the store in the evenings.

"30 minutes," he announces, kissing the corner of my lips.


"Okay, one hour," he says with a charming grin, flashing his straight white teeth. Blinding me with his dazzling smile. I walk out in a daze. Did I agree to it? I must have right? I don't remember though.

Gah! I suck!!! One smile, and he gets what he wants. I'm such a sucker for his gorgeous face. Time for my self-pep talk.

My mom and dad are surprisingly home when I get in. It's funny how I didn't even notice dad's car parked outside in my Constantine induced stupor.

They are both in the kitchen talking quietly with a pot of coffee between them. Serious expression on their faces. Oooppss...maybe this is not a good time. My feet move slowly and silently backwards.

"Hi honey," says mom looking up, before I can retreat further. My super ninja skills fail me this time. Defeated by my mom.

Dad doesn't even raise his head. "We have things to discuss," he states. His brows furrow with apprehension.

There are worry lines between mom's eyes.

I take my seat nervously and wait for them to go on.

"Honey, your Grandpa Quentin is coming over," announces mom.

"Oh, that's great!" I exclaim, smiling in relief. Phew! For a minute there I thought they were about to tell me that they had accidentally killed a cuddly bunny or threw out my old fuzzy slippers or something. My Grandpa Quentin is tough, but he loves me and Autumn. He visited us twice, and we visited him and his pack a few times throughout the years.

"Isn't it?" I ask hesitantly, suddenly puzzled by their silence and the serious expression on their faces.

"Why didn't you tell us, sweetie?" asks dad suddenly.

"Uh...tell you what?" I hedge, reminding myself to thread carefully. There are a lot of things I haven't told my parents. I don't want to spill anything I don't need to skills.

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