Chapter VII - Let Me Count the Ways

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"So now, all you have to do is get yourself a boyfriend," states Penny like she's stating the weather.

"Yeah, as soon as you can tell me where to buy one at the Mall." I retort.

"Does it really matter to whom you loose your V card to?"

"Yes it does," Reese and I answer in unison.

We are currently in Reese's car on the way to school, arguing about phase 3 of our Operation Payback.

"You know what? I think we approach this one all wrong. We shouldn't rush you looking for a possible guy to loose your v card to. That's too much pressure. Mated or not, it should be with someone special," reasons Reese. "Revenge is not a good enough reason to loose your virginity for. It should be when you're ready." 

"I hate it when you make sense," complains Penny. "I so want that jerkface to taste his own medicine, but I think Reese is right," she sighs. "However, it wouldn't hurt to find you a boyfriend."

Reese is greeted by her mate, River as usual as soon as we get to school while Penny and I saunters in, gaining the attention of most males we pass by and some glares from the females.

Both Logan and Zeke didn't show up during English Lit. I feel both disappointed and relief at the same time. Disappointed because some stupid part of me still want to be around him. Relief because I don't have to fight the pull I have towards him whenever he's around. It's stressful, not to mention exhausting trying to fight the feeling.

Kevin, the buffed human boy shows up though. He sits beside me like yesterday and keeps glancing at me throughout the lesson. I try to avoid looking at him and pretend to be so fascinated with Shakespeare the whole period.

He manages to catch me after the class. He's waiting for me by the door when I exit the classroom.

"Genesis, can I talk to you for a minute?"he asks hopefully. 

"Yeah, okay..." I reply as he pulls me to the side, away from other students. I see Penny rushing out to her next class, probably thinking I'd already left.

"Would you go out with me, this Friday?"

Huh? "Uh...I'm flattered that you asked, but I'm sorry, Kevin. I can't." I hate saying no to people, but I'm not interested in him that way and it would be kindness not to lead him on.

"What about Saturday?"



"No, sorry."

"Listen Genesis, I like you. I've liked you since the beginning of the school year, but you never looked at me."

"Uh, okay...thank you?" What do you say to somebody who's just confess to liking you when you don't share the same feeling?

"I know you like me from the way you smiled at me yesterday. You're shy, I get it." he observes, cockily.

Huh? What? "No, Kevin. I'm not shy. I just don't want to go out with you."

"'re playing hard to get. That's okay, I like that. You know I won't give up that easily. I'll work hard at winning your affection, my lady." He winks, then he walks away with a swagger and a smile like he's just won a lottery.

Wait! What? What had just happened?

I walk to my next class in a bit of a daze, still wondering what had just happened. He won't give up? What does that mean? Should I be worried?

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