Chapter XVII - Of Sweat Pants and Baggy Shirt

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Half way through our shopping expedition together, I get a text from Constantine. My heart speeds up at the sight of his name as usual.

Constantine: Hey sunshine, what r u doing? Thinking of me? ;)

Me: Nah, too busy stripping ;P

Constantine: ?

Me : in changing room at the mall. Shopping with mom.

Constantine : Don't tease me.

Constantine : If I knew shopping involves you stripping, I'd take u shopping myself. ;)

Me : Perv :P

Constantine : Why did I say about perv?

Constantine: when ur not too bz stripping, can I c u soon?

Me : maybe tomorrow?

Constantine : why not tonight?

Me : Can't. Have dinner tonight.

His next reply comes very quick.

Constantine : With who?

I hesitate for a second, but then I reply truthfully.

Me : Alpha Carrington's house.

Constantine : why?

Constantine : Nvr mind. I'm coming to see you soon.

Me : soon tomorrow?

Me : Tomorrow rt?

Me : Constantine?

"Are you done, sweetie? You're taking a long time in there," Mom's voice urging me to change quickly.

My mom is feeling generous today. We each get a dress, and a few beautiful tops. Mom gets a pair of black slingback pumps, while I get a pair of nude color heels. It's after four that we manage to get out of there. Dinner is at 7 pm.

Constantine never replied to my last text.

Now here I am in my room trying to get ready for dinner that I don't really want to go to.

"You look beautiful, Sunshine," he drawls.

I jump, almost falling off my chair. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I gasp, turning around to look at him.

Constantine is leaning against the window sill with one hand at the top of the frame, while the other on the side. My breath catches and my heart stops for a beat. Will I ever get used to how good this god-like creature look? The muscle in his arms bulge. His dark brown hair is sexily messy with slight curls at the end.

He slowly stalks further into the room and I stand up facing him. He walks like a predator that he is, but he doesn't scare me or intimidate me. Not anymore, I note in surprise.

"Are you all dressed up like this for him?" There's something dangerous lurking in his silver grey eyes. His thick long dark eyelashes sweep down as he scans my body slowly.

I'm wearing a dark red spaghetti strap dress that follows the curve of my body. It ends a few inches above my knees. The deep red looks good against the paleness of my skin.

"No, but I have to dress up for dinner. My mom bought this dress for tonight," I murmur softly, not wanting my family to hear us.

He moves in closer until there's only a few inches between us. His hand raises up and he trails the back of his fingers softly against my cheek. His touch sends sparks down my body. His closeness is affecting my breathing. I sway in his touch. His delicious scent clouding my senses.

"Change," he breathes against my ear. His warm breath fans my skin.

I find myself wanting to please him. I move into the closet and take another dress off the hanger.

What is wrong with me? I don't usually let guys boss me around. Didn't I have that talk with myself this morning? Well, I've never been anyone's "erasthai" before either.

I change into an emerald green halter dress. The green brings out the color of my eyes and complements my red hair. The top part of the dress hugs my curves and the bottom flares out in a flirty soft fabric. It's an inch longer than the first dress, so I should be good.

I walk out of the closet feeling quite proud of myself.

"No," he growls as soon as he sees me.

"What? Do I look ugly in this dress?" I whisper yell, feeling frustrated.

He groans. "Sweetheart, I want you to go looking ugly for this dinner," he replies.


"What do you want me to do? Wear my pyjamas there?"

"No, especially not the pyjamas you had on this morning," he answers quickly. "Don't you have sweat pants and a baggy shirt or something?"

"Know what? You're funny," I laugh softly.

"No, I'm serious," he counters.

"Honey? Are you ready? We don't want to be late," hollers mom from downstairs.

"In a minute, Mom!" I holler back.

"I have to go," I whisper to him.

He sighs. "If you must," he relents broodingly, looking very unhappy. "Before you go...can I do something?"


He steps in closer, and I freeze. With just a few inches gap between us, he moves my red curls off my neck and leans in. His fingers graze my skin. Oohh...goosebumps. His nose and lips touch my neck and my hands grip his solid rock hard arms.

"What are you doing?" I slur, feeling drunk by the touch of our skin together.

"I'm strengthening our bond," he whispers against my skin, then he breaths in deeply. I feel his warm lips brushing my neck softly.

My breath catches. Then I involuntarily breath his scent in as well.

I feel his power enveloping me, like a warm blanket. I feel powerful and protected.

"Now you remember that you're mine," he says with satisfaction.


I hope you like this chapter. Press that tiny star to vote if you like my story so far. Comments are nice too :) Thank you for reading!

Much love,


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