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          The lights dimmed over time setting the tone. Girls shook their asses steadily to the beat against a random guy. Drunk bodies cuddled together wiping the dripping sweat off their foreheads.

             Jayda smiled uneasy as they walked pass the bouncer. If it hadn't been for Xavier and Devon having connection, they would've been making their way back home. Technically none of them were old enough to even step foot in a club.

Venturing away from the others , she departed towards the bar. Her butt occupied one of the seven stools. She skimmed the menu, mentally choosing her options.

"Strawberry and watermelon margarita mix" Jayda ordered fishing for cash.

The bartender turned around flashing his pearly whites. His golden grills gladly showed as he smiled, passing the drink. "This is one the house, for a beautiful lady" he flirted.

She put her hand over her heart. "Why thank you! Aren't you a darling?" She teased.

Jayda sipped the substance while holding a conversation with what's his name. They had yet to even mention their name or age. The two were just having conversations about the different drinks they've had before. She hasn't experienced the different drinks yet so she was mostly listening.

"What's your name" she asked biting the end of her straw.

"It's Justin" he smirked holding out his right hand for her to shake. She put her hand in his firmly shaking it. "What about you"


The DJ changed songs once again starting the twerk mix up. Nicki Minaj and Cardi B songs played throughout the club hyping the woman up. Jayda moved in her chair to the beat of the music. "Ride his dick like a BMX, no nigga wanna be my ex" she rapped getting excited, that's her favorite part of the song.

Miracle called her over wondering why she isolated herself from the group. Pulling her close she danced on Jayda trying to loosen her up. Jayda eventually got the hint started to feel the buzz of the little amount of alcohol in her system.

She twerked on Miracle whining her hips. Work x Rihanna blared through the speakers bringing out the Caribbean dancers.

"Can I take over" Devon asked Miracle who was dancing behind Jayda. She nodded stepping out the way. He grabbed Jayda's waist guiding it on his lower half. Devon watched her ass grind up against his hard boner. He smacked her ass earning a low moan from her.

"Devon why are you behind me" Jayda stopped dancing , folding her arms.

"C'mon I know you enjoyed dancing on me. Believe your a really good dancer" he smirked licking his lips.

         Jayda smirked looking up and down his tall figure. He wore a white and black Nike shirt and a pair of black jeans. To match he wore a pair of air max to complete the style. A gold chain flexed around his neck shining brightly when the light bounced off it, the diamonds glistened.

      "I'm pretty sure Monica wouldn't want you touching me like that" she brought up being petty.

    Devon chuckled. "Babygirl. I'm a grown man I do what I want. There's nothing going on between Monica and I."

        She waved his comment off catching his drift. Jayda was well aware that all Monica and Devon do is fuck. At the most random time of nights she'll a hear a female voice trailing down the hallway. Loud screams at night yelling how much of a big dick Devon has.

        "I gotta pee" she complained running to the bathroom.

       Three girls sat in the entrance of the bathroom humping one another on the floor, wildly. Jayda scrunched up her face debating if she should leave or not.

     Fuck it

        Using the bathroom stall , loud moans could be heard on the outside. She personal learned all three of their names since each girl screamed it at some point. After wiping herself , she pulled up her pants, flushing the toilet. Jayda opened the door walking to the sink. Pumping soap into her hands , she rubbed them together putting them under the water.

       "You wanna join" one of the red heads asked in the reflection of the mirror. Jayda turned around uncomfortably facing the naked women.

        She shook her head. "I'm good" she assured exiting the bathroom.

       No lie , Jayda had always been bi-curious. Porn could always solve her mysterious though. She didn't want to fuck some randoms, especially on the bathroom floor out of all places. The last thing she needed is the find out in the long run she caught a STD or worse.

She sat in one of the rented booths the boys had paid for. Her head rested on her right wrist , admiring Devon. She couldn't wrap her head around an asshole is such a beautiful chocolate bar.

"He's cute isn't he" Monica asked pushing Jayda over with her hips. "Back off , he's mine"

Jayda faced her amused , the most entertain she's had all night. "Really now" Monica nodded.

"Oh I remember you" Jayda blurted playfully hitting the side of her head. Monica smiled nodding. "Your the girl that was crying about how you get tricked equivalent to a side piece" she put her hand under her chin.

Monica's smiled instantly dropped. "Don't you dare bring that up"

"Exactly.. that's your guy right, okay" Jayda replied sarcastically tending back to her untouched drink. "You know... claiming a nigga who doesn't chase you is making you look desperate"

"Whatever bitch" Jayda shrugged watching her stomp away through the crowd.

"Ha! I'm a bitch now when I'm giving you advice" she shook her head.

It never made sense to her why girls would go out their way for guys. Especially in public when they act as if your irreverent in their lives. It'll be different if the man actually loved and cared for you, instead your just a booty call. Giving a guy a chance to fuck and then they leave, some just want one thing.

All guys aren't bad , you just have to find the right ones. The journey where you have been through hell and back to finally find one true love or you end up Cinderella lucky.

"Having fun" Devon whispered in her ear with a goofy smile.

"If drinking at a table by yourself is fun, I'm having a blast" Jayda laughed feeling his hand creep up her thigh. She caught it shifting it elsewhere.

Miracle smirked walking towards the table. "Ready to go home" Jayda quickly nodded running towards the exit.

Tonight has been interesting...

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