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         Devon watched between the crack of her door not believing she's packing up. Things had been rocking between them but moving out never became a option. When she broke the news to everyone at dinner it shocked the whole table. No one thought she would be moving out so soon, hasn't been that long since she's moved in.

     "I found an apartment" Jayda spoke chewing on a chicken tinder. She wiped the tips of her mouth, seeing stains of honey mustard sauce.

     "Apartment? Your moving out" Miracle asked with a confused expression. Devon sat at the table deciding to keep his mouth closed, he didn't wanna start another argument. After all he seemed the think his the cause of her sudden inspiration to move somewhere else. "You ready to live on your own" she question peeking over at Jayda.

    Jayda chuckled using the chicken tender to scrap the rim of her plate, aiming to get the last of the honey mustard. "I'm a big girl, I'll be fine. I can handle myself"

    "If you ever need anything since , I'm always here. Don't be out there being grown either" Xavier encouraged calmly yet loudly at the same time. "I'm gonna miss your nappy headed ass, can't believe your gonna leave me all alone with this asshole" he gestured towards Devon.

     Jayda didn't even bother to sneak a glance at him. The last thing on her mind was Devon, she somewhat came to the conclusion to let him go, no matter how "cute" the WERE. She couldn't tell the future of them but for right now a break is well needed. Besides she had been noticing the late night runs and the sweat blinding her eyes when he came back home , the smell of sex. She wasn't mad, she couldn't be mad, they were never together.

    "Im packing my shit next week" she smiled.

         The words, thoughts, still lingered in his mind from that night. Her emotions , the weak smile she gave off , to make them believe she's okay inside. It scared that this had been the only things crossing his mind. Finally pushing his pride aside, the crack of the door opened wider. Jayda turned around hearing the footsteps before continuing taping up her boxes. Taking the top off the Sharpy brand marker, she labeled the boxes.

       "Still going through with the move" he asked swallowing the lump clogging his throat.

    "Yea I thinks it's best"

   Jayda looked at him while fiddling the food of her finger nails. "Is it because of our arguments, I'll ease up. I'll stop being a asshole, I don't want you to leave"

    "Devon, this stay as always been recognized as temporary. Nothing was ever set in stone I'll be living here forever." Jayda reminded him piling plastic trash bags in the corner of the room. "Y'all can find y'all a new roommate to help pay rent"

   He walked up behind her , his hands gripping the bottom of her waist. His eyes pierced hers as she searched his. Her hands held his arms in place , hoping to stop the embrace. Devon leaned in for a kiss but felt a cold presence, it wasn't her lips, her hand.

     "I'm not kissing you Devon. We're over remember"

    Devon smacked his lips pulling her closer. "Stop being petty"

   "I'm not being petty , we were never together really. Those arguments made me realize that the last thing I need to worry about is a relationship. Besides you have a baby on the way and still trying to find your mom. That's more important than patching up something broken" she expressed shaking her head. Devon sighed loudly punching the edge of the bed.

    "Your really implying that we're over" he asked in disbelief. "Why are you so ready to give up on us?"

       "I can't be with someone who's can't handle the truth. I've learned that together we're not compatible, we've had some good times together though"

      "I don't thinks you've thought this plan through" he held her hands, sitting next to her on the bed. She sighed tempted to finish ordering her bing bag chairs she saw online. Everything that Devon kept preaching about is going in one ear and out the other. "We have a lot of fun memories together. We've seen each other at our highest and lowest moments, I've gotten use to seeing your face every morning and every night. Who's gonna help me when things get rough"

       "I think you've been coping with things pretty well" Jayda sarcastically replied judging by the hickeys leading down his neck. "Your trying to get back with me but still sleeping around wit Monica. I really don't give a fuck anymore, I blame myself for putting in a effort to give a fuck about your dumbass. Just remember who held when your mom went A wall , remember who you vented to every night, who rather spend the rest of your life with. I'm over this, I'm over you, hell I'm over everything period. Moving into this new apartment I could finally meet someone that's worth the breath I'm wasting now" she tapped her fingers against the fabric of her jeans.

On the inside , she blamed herself for getting attached to someone. Then again you can't stop yourself from falling for someone you think is the one. She's just lucky she found out in the beginning before being a full blown relationship. "Goodbye Devon, I wish you the best"

"I love yo-." She held up her hands waving for him to stop. Jayda couldn't hear him say, she didn't wanna hear him say it.

"You don't mean it, your just in the heat of the moment. Leave.

"I love you and I mean that. We've both done some fucked up shit but I'm in love with you. I wanna be with you till death due us part. You don't see how much you mean to me, the good morning text, the random emojis , and the constant messages to see if your busy. I'm always trying to find away to spend time with you but we're both busy people. In the future , I'm gonna make daily plans for us to hang together, work won't be much of priority anymore. My mind really hasn't been mentally focused on it ever since I've met you" he expressed scooting closer to her. "I know you feel the same" his presence became closer and closer to hers. His hands rubbed up her sides , he could feel the goosebumps from the feel of his touch. Her eyes closed and it's evident she was desperately trying to hide her emotions.

"Okay I'll make a deal. If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me back, I'll leave you alone" he folded his arms over his chest. Seconds passed by of straight silence seeing on who's gonna make the next move.

She couldn't find it in her heart to say , she felt any different. Saying that to him would crush her mood even more. "You know I can't admit that" she mumbled laying her head on his shoulder. "Either way I'm still moving out"

"I'm still not leaving you alone"

"I know, Devon"

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