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       "Your child is being very disrespectful towards me and your just sitting there" Ronny spoke aiming the attention towards Maranda. She was feeling targeted and she had to find away to swerved the negative attention. What made it worse was that Jayda kept spreading secrets no one knew.

          "You have no right to act this way towards my daughter. It's been going on for years and it's time to put a end to it." Maranda slammed the drink down as the wine slipped down the glass. The table shook and other family members shocked at the sudden behavior.

      Jayda stared in disbelief shaking her head. Jerald slowed down on eating his food to keep from choking. Family members gathered their belonging saying their silent goodbyes. Her grandmother reached for a hug, rubbing her shoulder hoping to cheer her up. Jayda's grandmother had always understood her passion and felt like money wasn't the only thing that mattered in life.

      She couldn't cry because it wouldn't been the first time something similar to this happened. She wiped her face backing away from her grandmother. Ashely held her mother trying to stop her from crying , she glared at Jayda sticking up the middle finger. Jayda shook her head ignoring the childish antics.

       "You okay" Jerald asked sincerely hugging her. He noticed her plate sitting on the table untouched. Getting some plastic wrap, he wrapped it around the plate full of fried chicken, max&cheese, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Kissing her forehead , he passed the plate to her wishing her a safe ride home. "Love you"

    "Love you to" she walked out the house packing her food in the car. Starting the car she backed out the driveway speeding her way down the highway.

      Nothing that she did could ever please the people in her family , the rich people. Everyone came from a long line of money and felt its best to follow in their parents footsteps. Secretly, some family members admired Jayda's confidence for not following the family's path, they just never had the balls to say it out loud. Most of her cousins lived the life of glisten and glamour, but are miserable on the inside.

     Having famous persons has its pros and cons, mostly a lot of cons. Just because you get to meet popular people in the music industry doesn't make it better. You get caught partying or shaking your ass , your reputation in the media could be ruined.

The crew sat on the sofa watching a movie. Xavier and Miracle were cuddled under the blanket focusing on the movie. Devon was wrapped up in the other blanket stretched out on the sofa by hisself. He figured that Jayda wouldn't be back home anytime soon so he got comfortable cuddling by himself.

"Hey my girl isn't here so I'm gonna need y'all to chill on the couple shit" Devon rolled his eyes.

    "Stop hating" Xavier mumbled kissing miracle on the lips. He gripped her ass tightly in his hands giving it a hard smack. Miracle but her lip grinding on top of him.

    Devon looked at them in disgust playfully gagging at the sight. "Y'all are nasty"

     "He's mad" Miracle laughed kissing her boyfriend's cheek. "Muah"

         The front door opened and in walked Jayda. His smile turned into a frown when he saw the sour expression on her face. "Hey y'all"

    "Hey sis"

   "Hey bestie" Miracle greeted putting her focus back on the movie. "OMG he died" she silently cried wiping away her tears.

      "Your being over dramatic it's a cartoon babe"

     "Make me feel better babe"

   "You want some ice cream" Xavier asked grabbing his car keys. She nodded sliding on her slides. Miracle smiled posting them on Snapchat.

Devon followed behind Jayda trying to figure out the reason for her attitude. He sat beside her on the bed holding her hand full of blinding diamonds. "You okay" he asked kissing the top of her finger.

"Nothing I do is ever enough. I've always been the odd ball in my family , doing things that no one had the balls to do. Instead of being happy for me they all treat me like straight shit and it's irritating"

"No one says building houses all day should be a dream job but of course no one says anything about that. They think doing hair is a waste of time and energy. I'm quote on quote broke because I'm not having my face plastered all over social media getting sued" Jayda ranted drying her eyes.

Devon kneeled in front of her. "Don't listen to what your family says , if you don't do hair than the world's gonna be looking fucked up. I'm proud of what you do and I know your gonna be flashed all over billboards and not for getting sued. It's because people actually like your company and wanna be slaying" he said in a girls voice trying to cheer her up. You could tell it was working because she was starting to crack a smile.

      "Thanks for being here to cheer me up." She smiled kissing his cheek. He kissed her on the lips biting on her bottom lip. His hand lifted up the hem of her dress, caressing her thick thighs. She lifted his head pulling him on top of her.

     "We should stop for you having bent over this bed" Jayda gently pulled away from him laying down on the bed.

      "I wouldn't mind" Devon said burying his face in her neck, he showed loving to his side of her neck, lightly kissing it. "Enough of that, have you found anyone who could be the cause of your store burning down"

         "No" Jayda lied. She couldn't tell him who she really thought did the damage. She knew an argument would fire up quickly if she even mentioned his mother's name. Devon is a momma's boy and hearing news like that would only make matters worse. They were having a no stress free relationship and she was hoping it stayed that way.

     Devon squinted his eyes at her , smacking his lips. "Stop lying"

    "I don't wanna hurry out feelings so I'm gonna refrain from telling you"

    "I'm a man , I can handle it" he shrugged unaware of who it could be.

   "Gina, your mother" she announced focusing her attention elsewhere. The feeling of eye piercing through the side of her face made her stomach turn. She prepared the words in her head ready for the argument.

      Devon shook his head , clenching his fist. "I don't what grudge you got against my mother but it has to stop. She would never do something like that"

     Jayda rolled her eyes, standing out the bed. "Do you mean to tell me it's a coincidence, that after my salon got burned now she suddenly stopped answering your calls. You told me you went over her house and she wasn't nowhere to be found"

    "I get it your upset but your not about to make me look like I'm crazy. You asked who I think it is and I told you. It all adds up in my eyes and I'm gonna get it taken care of"

     Devon held up his hands. "You can save the bullshit because I don't wanna hear it. I know my mother and she would never do no fucked up shit like that"

       Jayda plugged her phone up to the charger and wrapped up her hair. Changing her clothes , she watched Devon continue to lay on her bed in silence. She turned off the lamp, turning on the tv to see what's coming on. "Well believe what you wanna believe but while you do that get out my room"

      "Gladly" he retorted biting his lips. Even during the arguments he couldn't help but feel the need to check her out. When she's mad , it looks so sexy on her. If he wasn't so stubborn he would've fucked the problems away.

     This chapter is lengthy compared to my others!

Thoughts on Gina?

Thoughts on Monica?

Thoughts on Jayda?

Thoughts on Devon?

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