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          Mr. C pushed the bed against the painted purple walls. It leveled directly in front of her dresser , that has a tv sitting on top of it. He stood up straight , using his free hands to wipe the sweat off his head. They had been decorating her apartment since they unpacked multiple boxes full of house furniture. Pots and pans piled up inside the sink, surprisingly they haven't fallen out yet.

        "Okay, you can stop now! I think I've worked you enough for today" she joked throwing him a rag. He agreed wiping his face once again, he grabbed his keys on the way to the car. "Can you take me to my parent's house to get some stuff"

      Jayda had contacted her mom to notify when it would it be best for her to stop by. Maranda never responded so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She assumed maybe they were handling some last minute business or whatever. Her main goal is to get her old high school pictures that were left behind.

        Unknowns cars parked in the driveway, all black. Windows tinted darkly on the outside of the forbidden cars. The front door unlocked cracked opened , clothes thrown in weird places, a gun lying around on the table. Jayda scanned the room hoping it wasn't a murder that took place. Maranda sat on the sofa covering her face in distress. She needed a break from all the commotion going on the room near her.

        Yelling sounded throughout the house, extreme screaming. Ignoring her mom pleas , she opened the door being faced with Gina , Jean, and her father. Gina chained against the wall, they used a remote to electrocute her every time she answered something wrong. They wanted to do her wrong the same way, she did them. Jayda watched in horror , a loud gasp escaped her making her presence known.


          "I don't wanna know, I'm cool with her son , so I don't wanna see what your doing to his mother. Just Incase your wondering I don't wanna know either , this is between y'all." She walked away heading for the exit.

     "I did it- I burned down your salon, bitch. Everything you worked hard for, it's gone. I even stole money from my son's account just to survive off crack for awhile. It's the end of my life, I might as well admit my truth. I'm a liar , thief , everything in the book. After all this family and everyone else has always treated me like straight shit."

      Jayda slowly turned around on her feet , amused. Amused that on her death bed, she had the courage to be so bold. Jayda looked up at the ceiling blinking the tears back, no sign of weaknesses. "Aside from the bullshit about me your own son and my father. Fuck you" she rushed over to her slapping the spit , flying out Gina's mouth. She gave her blow after blow letting out all the balled up anger that had been sitting in her body for weeks. She finally has the chance to let go, end it all.

"The same people who broke their backs for you, made sure you had a roof over your head, clothes on your body, and food on you fucking table. This is really how you repay them" she slapped Gina once again.

      "That's pretty fucked up mom" Devon stared at her disbelief. Jerald had found away to get in touch with him after tracking down his mother. He felt like it's best to find out who his mother really is, what happens behind closed doors. "My bank account had been running low lately"

     "I guess blood isn't thicker than water" he shrugged chuckling sheepishly. Jayda hugged him rubbing his back in circles. "I don't really care what happens to you, I've done my part"

    "Your a shitty ass son" Gina spat , pure hatred in her eyes. 

     "Your a shitty ass mother" he retorted shaking his head. Jerald held the gun up aiming it at her forehead, sweat dripped from it.

Jayda walked him out , making sure to close the door. She knew seeing his mother get shock would make things worse. The gun shot sounded throughout the house, many more followed. Devon hid his face in her shirt , embarrassed. He fought so hard to make people believe she wasn't this monster, thief , evil person she was made out to be. All in a few minutes her truth came to light.

       She got the keys out his pocket while leading him to car. They got in the car , the movement from outside could only be heard. Neither of them don't know how to cope. Jayda wasn't sure how to help him get through the situation. She parked in the driveway , no one opened the door, they waited for someone to make the first move.

     "I need you" Devon spoke up intertwining their fingers. "Stay with me tonight"


      "Hear me out. We don't have to do anything , I just want you next to me. To hold me, love me, t-t-tell me everything is gonna be alright" his voice cracked. She pulled him in a hug and they cried together. Their shirts soaking up the puddle of tears that fell from their eyes. Emotions that has been held back for months and months. "I thought she loved me"

    "Maybe she did but everyone has a secret or a bad habit. Besides her you have people who love you now, Xavier , Miracle, and me" she laid his head on her shoulder.

     "I wanna hear you say it" their eyes came in contact. His eyes searched hers for the truth that she really did love him.

   "I love you , Devon" Jayda looked him dead in the eyes smiling. Even though rough times her love for him still ran deep.

   "I love you to, Jayda" Devon smiled back kissing her cheek.

      "That's great but you know we can't be together. A relationship is the last thing we need to worried about and Monica is still coming around." She stated ruining the moment. She didn't want to but she want to seem that it's so easy to get back in her good graces. Jayda wasn't holding a grudge against him or anything but she didn't want to lead him on. Monica is further in her pregnancy , she's gonna need way more attention them weekly visits.

      "Whatever Jayda" he slammed the car door mumbling while walking to the door.

    "So much for trying to get back on good terms"

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