Chapter 25

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Krishn gazed out of the  window, his face an emotionless mask.

"We won't let her go." Dau stated,today his heart was heavy, like someone had placed a heavy rock on it.

Like the winters morning cool breeze, the thought of Ruhi leaving was freezing every little sapling of happiness in him.

His throat burned, making it difficult for him to swallow, while he gazed at Krishn, who stood motionless beside the window, gazing out.

"Why aren't you saying anything Kanha?"he wanted to shout at his younger brother, shake him, how could he be so calm?

How could he not say or do something?

Krishn gazed up from the window, his dark orbs clashed with the questioning and hurt eyes of Dau, who had a look mix of hurt and confusion.

A heavy sigh passed through his lips, a smile traced on his face but it never reached his eyes.

The usual spark of mischief was missing in them,an unusual weight sitting heavily on his chest.

"Dau, this world is a journey. A constant journey of growth,for a fledgling to learn to fly they need to leave the nest." Krishn stated, his eyes glassy with tears.

"Changes are difficult, but are necessary." He continued on,his heart hurt, he wanted to protest, to stop her.

But she had her own journey of growth, and so many lives to touch. He knew soon his journey would begin too, he would have to leave too.

Radha will have her own journey, he had his, Ruhi had hers, they were separating like the rivers but would join together in the ocean of love.

He breathed in, it felt like someone had set his insides on fire. Changes were important, didn't mean that he had to like it.

"Krishn!" The baritone of Radha's voice rang throughout the place.

Krishn gazed up,his eyes clashing with her brown eyes that swirled with golden flecks. A sheen of tears glistening in those eyes that held nothing but love for him.

His heart gave a sharp squeeze, agony thrummed through them."How can you let Ruhi go?" She asked,her bottom lip quivered.

He wrapped his arms around her,pulling her closer to him. His hands moved up and down in a soothing motion.

"It's her father's decision love." He whispered, his voice tinged with sadness, his heart felt heavier than before.

Seeing the two person you love the most cry, was a hell on it's own. One was in his arms another not so far.

But one thing was very clear in his mind, that soon with time he would have to leave both.

That physically all three would be separated. But what did physical distance mean to a relationship?

True love passed every test. Distance meant nothing when feelings were true, no distance meant anything.

He pressed his lips to her forehead, the soft warm skin soothing the slight burn under his lips.

"But why take her away? Why not let her be?" She questioned,her eyes shining with tears.

Her heart grew restless. As one after another the memories that she had spent with Ruhi filtered through her mind.

Them reading together, them playing pranks together. Though Ruhi was younger than her, how she would give a patient ear to all her venting.

And most importantly she understood her, after Krishn if someone had understood her it was her. She understood her love for Krishn, the out of the world feeling of completion that washed over her every time she was with him.

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