Chapter 34 (Part 2)

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Yasoda sat in the temple of her home, her heart for some reason was restless today, like somewhere something bad was happening.

Something ominous, that shouldn't have happened.

She joined her hand gazing at the statue of Narayan. The one, who gave her peace.

"Hey Narayan. The only person's whereabout I am not sure currently is my daughter. Please take care of her." She whispered, her heart clenching as the words left her mouth.

Ruhi. . .

The mother in her was so sure, that something was not right with her. That she needed to be near her child.

She's so young, and the world so cruel, how can she not worry? She worried everyday, but today her heart was trembling with fear.

Her stomach crunched, the heaviness in there making her breathing grow heavy, as the images of the little girl running around filled her mind.

Her clenched at the memory, even the thought of something happening to her was like a bullet in her heart.

Agony burned in her chest, waves of it spreading through her like lava. Making it impossible for her to breath.

She prayed, her hands trembling.

Her eyes fell on a clay lantern, she reached out for it, lighting it like the flame of her daughter's life.

Praying to the lord of the universe for it's protection. The one who protected all, shall protect her too, her daughter. . .

Her thoughts snapped, her eyes widened, as she gazed down at the lantern with horror. Terror like never before slammed in her heart.

As she gazed from the now dead flame to her God, and back again. No, how was this possible.

No, no,no, no.

There is no way possible for this! No!

She screamed, her sorrow, and the soul wrenching ache reverberating through her cries.

That were so loud, and dreadful, the pain in them so intense that the entire palace of Dwarka trembled with dread.

A cold vein of fear slithered around the hearts of many, dread sinking it's ugly clutches in them.

"RUHI!!!!!!!!" She screamed on top of her voice, as her body wrecked of cries. She picked herself up, as she ran.

Kanha. He will correct everything.





She ignored all the calls of her family members, who were running behind her. Worry and fear lacing their words, but she didn't stop.

Her daughter, she needed her.

And there was only one person who could answer to all her questions.

She ran down the corridors, twisting and turning down the maze of hallways, to the rose garden, to Ruhi's garden, where she knew she would find him.

The soldiers bowed, as they watched her run like a mad woman. Frowning with concern, they gazed at her.

She pushed open the doors to the garden, her heart froze, and so did everyone, who followed her.

"Maiya-" Balram began, but his voice faded as his eyes fell on the sight ahead of him. Concern slammed hard in his chest, while he took in the scenario ahead of him.

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