Chapter 4

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Ruhi scrubbed the pain as she got lost in the thoughts of the stranger, who was he? And where did he came from? And where did he go? What was his name? There were just so many questions and not one answer, what happens to her whenever he is around? Why does she forget everything?

She shook her head, she needed to get her head cleared, he was just a stranger, nothing special. She shook her head as she now moved on to scrubbing the spoons and spatulas. She really tried a lot to get the stranger out of her mind but she just couldn't get him out of her thoughts, it was like he was ingrained there, his smile, his voice, his words, everything had been so different yet oh so pleasing, she had no idea what to do with herself anymore?

She trembled as she recalled his strong manly figures caressing her cheeks as he put the loose curl behind her ear, why did his touch make her come alive the way it did? She often wondered, she really needed to stop thinking about himself, she thought to herself as she began to rinse the vessels, her mind getting lost in the work.

Krishn laughed as he watched his Ruhi trying to desperately get away from his thoughts, what she didn't know was that was impossible, one can't run away from their destiny, their love and especially their other half, Ruhi was his soul so running away from him was out of question.

"Ruhi! Get this laundry done! Mop the floors of the entire house, dust everything up before going to sleep." Her step mom's words had her looking up, she hurriedly nodded as she looked at the huge batch of clothes, a defeated sigh leaving her mouth today too her sleep was gone, her stomach crunched in hunger, no food and so much work was exhausting her. From the moment she has returned home from the jungle her step mother has made it her mission to punish her, for what? Vishal's sudden departure. She wasn't even sure how he got burned, how he left or anything else.

Her cheek burned as her head shot to the right, her hand moving up to cup her cheek, "Listen to me you good for nothing wh*re! I am talking to you!" She screamed making Ruhi jump, "If you don't finish all this work I'll personally see to it that you regret ever being born!" Shouted her mother as she turned away leaving Ruhi with her stinging cheek that burned with the pain of the slap, tears raining down her cheeks as her heart hurt, bleeding and thrumming with pain. She sniffed and hiccupped as her heart still thrummed with terror, her eyes fell on the rag on the floor, a sad smile appearing on her face, that's what she had become, a rag. Anyone can come and just use her, till she is nothing but tattered and dirty and in this moment she really did feel dirty.

Her heart hurt as her head hurt, her cheek pulsed with pain, tears fell down her cheeks. Why did she always forget that she has no right to dream about anything? She can't afford to day dream about a man, she can't let her guard down, she needs to be alert all the time in order to survive in this hell, hell that she calls her home. Home? What was that? She had heard a lot of people say a lot of things about it, about it being filled with love and care but she never felt that, at every little sound she jumped awake at night, wondering it's her father that had come to beat her to pulp, who knows? Someday he'll just kill her. She knew that he despised her, really everyone despised her than why keep her around? Why torture her?

She heard a knocking on the kitchen window, her head shot up as she wiped her tears, her heart hammered in her chest as anxiety sparked in her chest, adrenaline filling her system. She wiped her tear as she took a shaky breath, another knock on the kitchen window had her jumping up, she looked at the window, no one was there, her hand wrapped around the spatula as she moved towards the window, she looked through the glass no one was there, her hand moved towards the latch as her heart hammered in her chest.

She pushed the window glass open as she looked out, "BOO!" A manly voice said out loud making her trip back as she squeaked in fear and tripped, she shut her eyes as she waited for the impact to come instead her fall was halted as a hand wrapped around her wrist.

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