Chapter 14

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Ruhi's heart thudded as she looked around her husband's room, now it was their room. Nervousness and excitement pulsed through her as she looked at all the decorations done, the ceiling had layers of flowers hanging from them creating a beautiful pattern, the various different colors had her smiling, the sweet fragrance of various floors was in the air as candles lit the dark room. The beautiful twilight entered in the room through the curtains, her sound of her anklets reverberated throughout the room as she moved towards the open window, her heart thudding in her chest as her fingers traced her mangalsutr, she couldn't believe that she had married him. A month back if someone had told her that soon she'll be marrying a man willingly and would be in love with him she would have laughed, a smile traced on her face, but here she was married to her husband, to the man she loved. She really had no idea why she felt the way she did about him? Why did she love him so fiercely? What was so different about him? Why did she forget everything when she was around him? It hardly has been any time since she met him but why does it feel that her heart knows him since forever, like they are one meant to be with each other. She sat on the window seat as she looked out at the dark sky a smile on her face, her head rested on the wall beside as she closed her eyes for a moment.

"Come get me Kanha!" A beautiful girl dressed in complete red ran in the acres of red roses garden, her long hair were set loose as she ran, her face was blurry but the divine glow she emitted made her stand out, it was obvious the person was no mere human. "Priye!" The sweet male voice called,  a man stepped out, again the face wasn't clear. He ran behind her, his laughter ringing around the surrounding place.

His arms wrapped around her waist earning a gap from her lips as he picked her up and twirled her. "Happy birthday my love." She whispered as she pressed her lips against his, he froze, his heart thumping loudly as he kissed back, "So what did you get me as my birthday present?" He asked, "What can I give the mighty Krishn?" She questioned looking up at him, a light smile of joy traced his face as he began tracing her face with his thumb of the hand that cupped her cheek, "Fulfill my one wish Ruhi, give me the one thing I crave the most. Give me the right to be your husband, give me yourself Ruhi completely, marry me Ruhi. I want you to marry me today." He whispered in her ear, making her heart thud wildly in his eyes shining with love, the wave of happiness that flooded her was enough to knock her breath out,her heart thumping in her chest violently, she would be his wife? After years he finally asked this question, tears of joy traced her cheeks as a watery laugh slipped through her mouth. "Yes." She whispered making him the happiest man out there, a lone tear traced down his cheek as his lips pressed against hers. "I love you so much, there are not enough words to explain my love for you!" He whispered in her ear, "I love you so much more. " She whispered back making his heart light with love.

Suddenly dark clouds came and hid the sun, casting a dark shadow everywhere, "I CURSE YOU VASUDEV THAT THIS LOVE OF YOURS WOULD BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU BY YOU'RE VERY OWN DEVOTEEE!!! " The cruel male voice rang throughout the place making the two break apart as they gasped, the girl froze as she turned to her lover, "Kanha... " She whispered, her voice sounded broken, the pain in her voice was palpable, she raised her hand towards him, "RUHIIIIIII! " The agonised scream of the man rang throughout the place as he raised his hand as though trying to touch her, he ran towards her but suddenly she was too far, the distance was hardly a step but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't erase it, pain and agony marred his features as he watched the love of his life, his soon to be wife faded in fine shiny particles and disappeared in thin air. The agonised scream of her lover rang throughout the place as he crumpled on the ground, the man broke into tears, the once happy world of his was shattered and taken away from him, his cries were so agonizing that the sky that day too mourned for his love as it rained, shedding tears for the two innocent lovers that were forced apart by the destiny. .  .

Ruhi jerked awake, her heart thumping in pain and agony, the ache in her heat intensified making it impossible for her to breath, what had she seen? What kind of dream was that? Her heart thudded in her chest, the soul wrenching pain was enough to drive her crazy, her heart pulsed, as her eyes watered, tears rained down her cheeks. Why did this dream feel so real? Why did it feel like she had been part of that? What is happening?

"Ruhi." Krishn's voice had her turning around, "Arya! " She called out in pain and lifted her lehnga as to not trip over it, she ran towards him, he wrapped his arms around the sobbing girl, embracing her close to his chest, his heart crumpled hearing her sobs, but he knew this agony was important, he was happy that Ruhi had unconsciously began her journey to self realization. "What happened dear?" Concern laced his word's, he knew exactly what had happened but he couldn't reveal, he picked her up, she hugged him tighter. "I saw a dream of sort. But it felt so real." She whispered, her voice laced with fear and agony. "It's alright." He whispered as he pressed his lips to hers, moulding her lips as one with his, his hands tightening on hers as he ran his fingers through her hair making her smile, a smirk appeared on his face, "Destiny has began its game princess, let it do its job." He whispered cryptically against her lips, she looked up at him confusion marring her face, "What do you mean arya?" She whispered as she looked up at him, he smiled and shook his head. "I love you. " He whispered instead, a smile on his face, "I love you more. " She whispered, he claimed her lips as his hands cupped her cheeks, her heart thudded violently in her chest making her heart skip a beat. Her body pulsed with pleasure as he began dropping kissing down her neck, for so long he had been far away from her but now she was back in his arms, ready to be one with him, her heart thrummed with anticipation. Her eyes met his through her lashes, he smiled, his fingers tracing her beautiful face, memorising every piece of her to his memory. "What are you looking at Arya?" She whispered, her voice coming out breathy as she looked up at him, he smiled, how does he explain the answer to her question? "I am looking at the one person I never want to lose. The one I love more than life." He whispered as he began trailing kisses down her nape to her shoulder making her body shudder, she felt as though her body buzzed with pleasure. His gaze met hers, after years she was finally once again his, his fingers traced her cheeks, down to her shoulder to her hands to her waist, he held his hand out to her, she laid hers in his as he claimed her as his, making her his in every sense of the word, physical, mentally and spiritually. . .





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