Chapter 31

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Three days, that's how long it had been since  she had moved into the palace. Yet it felt like years had passed, everyday seemed like a month.

"Ruhi this is brought from the far lands in east, I am sure you will love this necklace." Ashwin stated, grinning, while he sat on the bed in her room.

His eyes scanning her face, the beauty and allure of the girl in front of him was like a magnetic pull, she was the sun, and he, the planet that orbited around her.

No matter how many times he saw her, it was never enough. Those dark thick lashes, were like clouds encasing the gorgeous dark eyes, that had him forgetting how to breath.

His hand reached out, wanting to trace the glowing skin. Her head snapped up, as the rough pads of his fingers caressed her cheek.

"Um. Prince Ashwin, I don't..." her voice faded, pushing back from the bed, she stood up.

She forced a smile, nodding. "Its beautiful." The words  left her lips, wanting to distract him. He was a good guy, but she didn't feel anything for him, gazing at him she felt nothing but repulsion.

Her throat seemed to dry, as he gazed at her intensely. "Indeed, beautiful." He muttered, gazing at her body, she turned away. 

"I am little tired." She whispered, willing him to leave her alone. The tension in the air was thick enough to suffocate her.

"Ya, I too think you should rest." His voice was distant, as his attention was solely focused on the girl in front of him. Her scent pulling him in like an addict.

Things had changed so drastically in a span of few days. Why had her life always been this unpredictable? She couldn't really understand.

One moment, she was a common girl, and now, she was forced in a marriage. Why is that when a girl is expected to get married her consent is not asked?

Why is that she is forced in a marriage where she is not willing? When she is clearly not ready for this wedding, how do they expect her to be a good wife and daughter in law?

It was out of her understanding.

Does it even makes sense to force someone in a relationship?

She knew her heart had no space for Ashwin. Heck, she is just seventeen, marriage is no where on her mind.

There is so much she wants to do. To learn. She wants to learn to read and write fluently, to learn all those fancy poetries and long stories.

Krishn was the only one who had always tried to enforce her education. Her father didn't see the point of a girl learning to read and write. 

Life is so weird at times, she could still remember there was a time when she too ran away from education. Everyone had told her that it is not important.

That girls have no business with learning to read and write. And when everyone said that it's unimportant, she had too believed it.

A memory flashed through her head making her smile,

"Kanhaaaa!!!!!!!"  Ruhi whined as she gazed at the stack of books in front of her.

So many books...who even reads this stuff and why?  Her eyes fell on the gulab jamuns stacked on the platter.

Her mouth watered, as her hand reached out.

"Uh huh." Krishn smirked, wrapping his hand around her wrist. While he gazed at her, an amused smirk plastered on his face.

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