Chapter 13

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Ruhi pushed the door to her arya's bedroom open as she walked in, a smile lit on her face when she noticed him sleeping, a small smile was playing on his lips as he laid, his eyes shut, a calm and serene expression on his face, for a moment she just stared, he looked so handsome and cute while sleeping, no matter how many times she looked at him her heart could never have enough of him. The calmness she felt around him was unlike any other, lost in Krishn's she walked towards him, erasing the distance between him and her. He was her destination, he was her journey. She sat beside him, an excitement ran through her at the thought of being the first person to wish him on his birthday. She lowered her head to his ear, her heart beating wildly in her chest as warmth unfurled in her chest. "Happy birthday arya." Her soft words had Krishn smile, the overwhelming sense of joy had his heart thrumming excitedly, years he has waited for this day to see her wishing him on his birthday.

His hands wrapped around her waist as he swung her, making her gasp in surprise as she found herself under him on the bed, he smirked, "Is this how you wish me my birthday?" He teased, "tsk tsk that's not the right way princess. This is." He whispered as he claimed her lips, kissing her with slow unhurried pace, exploring every piece of her, his hands tightening around her, pulling her impossibly closer. His love for her came flowing through the kiss, "I love you so much Ruhi." He whispered, "I love you more arya." She said, her eyes meeting his, the love and adoration in his gaze shined brightly making her forget everything. "So what did you get me as my birthday present?" He asked, "What can I give the mighty Krishn?" The reply was instantaneous, she felt a sense of deja vu wash over her, like she had this conversation once before with him. His heart thudded as he heard her reply, he had asked her this question millions of years ago and got the same answer and he will ask for the same present he did all those years ago. "Fulfill my one wish Ruhi, give me the one thing I crave the most. Give me the right to be your husband, give me yourself Ruhi completely, marry me Ruhi. I want you to marry me today." He whispered in her ear, making her heart thud wildly in his eyes shining with love, years before she couldn't refuse nor could she now, eyes glistening with tears as she nodded, he gave her a wide smile, happiness thrumming through him as he slammed his lips against hers, once again she would be his, he would marry her today, like he had done all those years ago, this was the best birthday, with the best birthday gift ever, his soul would be united to him in true sense, forever will she be known as his. . .

Krishn watched mesmerised as Ruhi walked down the aisle towards him, where he sat in front of the havan kund, the pandit continued to say the vivaah mantras. Her beauty pulled him like none others, a smile on his face, she looked out of the world beautiful. She blushed intensely, as his intense gaze had her heart beating wildly in her chest, she looked at him, a smile on her face, she was the happiest today and why wouldn't she be? It was her wedding to him, her arya, the man she loved more than life.

"You look gorgeous

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"You look gorgeous." He complimented making her blush intensify, the whole of the palace was decorated as every god was in the present. Naarad chanted the vivaah mantras, happiness was everywhere. The eight wives and Radha stood over Ruhi and Krishn, smiling widely, soon she will be back, she would be home. The mere thought had each one of them vibrating with happiness, for so long they had waited and finally this wait would be over, once who was their jiji would now return as their youngest cowife.

Naarad placed Ruhi's hand in Krishn's, a loud shank sounded, Brahmdev stepped ahead for the kanya daan,  Krishn smiled and gave him a nod of acknowledgement as the kanya daan was done. "Bride's brother kindly step ahead." Naarad called, Mahadev smiled and moved in front, Naarad nodded as Mahadev tied Ruhi's piece of odhni to Vasudev's angvastr. Krishn wrapped his hand around hers as they began the pheras. Sheer sense of happiness washed over Krishn as he wrapped the mangalsutr in her neck, followed by putting the sindur in her maang. The marriage was completed, making Ruhi forever his. . .

Ruhi smiled as she stood out the palace, Krishn's home, days back she had entered this home as a guest but now she was entering as the wife of Krishn. Parvati stood at the door with Krishn's eight wives and Radha, she took the pooja's thaali that Radha passed her. "Finally ruhi you're my bhabhi." She stated with a broad grin, "Yes of course she is, now Krishn was in such a hurry to marry her. Couldn't even wait for a day." Radha teased making everyone chuckle, "Of course, when it comes to love he knows nothing of the concept of patience." Satya added, "Very true jiji. The day he learns patience would be the day the world cease to exist." Mitravinda further teased, they avoided calling Krishn arya around Ruhi, she was part of them but still was very much human and had no idea who she really was or who they were. Hiding things from her hurt, the eight of them and Radha were longing to hug her, how bad was that they could see her but can't hug her or she could recognise them. To Ruhi they were just some guests,it hurt that every time her gaze passed over them like they were strangers, they knew she had forgotten everything,their mind understood that perfectly but what about their heart, to their heart she was Ruhi, their Ruhi, who cried and laughed with them, with whom they teased and played. Their best friend and sister, their Ruhi but she had no recollection of those memories. The ten of them had always been a strong pact, they had a friendship that no one could ever break, they had cried and begged Krishn to not take her away, to let this devotee to change her wish but she was taken, snatched away from them and with her went all the happiness of Vaikuntha, years now had passed and they finally stood there watching her, their heart tightened with pain, when will she recall? When will she return home?

Krishn's heart tightened as he watched the longing and agony in the eyes of his eight wives and Radha, who had their eyes on Ruhi. He knew what they were thinking, he was doing his best to return Ruhi not just in his life but the life of his wives and Radha, he was their culprit, he had given them a pain that they didn't deserve, he knew how strong the bond between all his ten girls was, they were practically inseparable but he who was meant to protect and love them had snatched one of them away so he could fulfill the wish of his devotee,he was bound by his duties but that didn't mean he wasn't aware of the pain of all those experienced around him. Ruhi just wasn't his, she was his family's as well, she was the mother of his children, samba, Pradumn, and the others. They were all waiting for her, Radha and his other wives waiting for her, he was the only reason they were holding back, Ruhi was an important part of their life, he couldn't loose her. He wrapped his hand around hers, his eyes meeting his nine beloveds, silently assuring them their Ruhi will return,he will get her back. . .


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