Chapter 7

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"Come here Ruhi or I will shoot him right this instant!" Her father growled making Ruhi jump as she looked at her father to Krishn, shaking her head as she met her father's gaze, his eyes were red from anger as his face was flushed, he gritted his teeth, his jaw set as he was trembling with fury. She looked at her father and back at Krishn, who sat there staring at her.

"RUHI!" Her father shouted making her jump in fear, her heart hammering in her chest violently as she gazed at her father, fear filled her chest as her bottom lip trembled, she took a step towards her father, she can't let him die, she knew what a monster her father would be if she didn't listen to him, he will kill her arya, a tear rolled down her cheeks, Krishn's hand shot out and caught the tear before it could fall on the ground.

"You shouldn't waste the precious drops." He whispered as he looked at her, she gazed up at him, her eyes wet from tears, his heart squeezed painfully, a sharp pain jolting through his chest, one thing that he hated more than anything was seeing her cry, it made him feel suffocated, like someone had their clutches on his heart and was slowly squeezing it, the agony that he felt from seeing her cry was something he could never describe in words.

"You insolent brat!" Her father growled as his hand shot out, ready to give her painful slap, Krishn moved at a lightening speed as he stood in between her and her father like an impenetrable shield. Fury burned in his heart, people looked around shocked as suddenly out of no where a storm began to brew out, strong winds and thunder clapped in the sky. "I never dared to so much as glare at her and YOU think, you can hurt her in front of my eyes." He growled the words, his voice dripping with anger and hate, his eyes hardening as he glared at her father who gulped, " can't do this! " her father stammered, fear dripping in his voice, Krishn smirked, "this? I can and I will. You have done enough, now it's my turn. Listen Mr Singh, from tomorrow on my rituals of wedding with your daughter begins, mehdi, haldi and what not, and Mark my words,right on the fourth day from now on, on Krishn Janmashtami I will marry her, if you can than stop it." He challenged, as he turned around wrapping his hand around her wrist as he marched out of the hall with her, a car came in the driveway as the valet stepped out passing him the keys as Krishn opened the passenger side door and made her sit in before he sat in the driver's side and drove out.

Ruhi's heart was thudding in her chest as she looked at the man who sat in the driver's seat. She still couldn't believe he had said it, he was going to marry her? Her heart could still not believe it.

Krishn looked at her and a chuckle left his mouth as he saw her shocked face, "what happened?" He questioned, his voice teasing, "" No coherent sentences left her mouth,she was too shocked to talk, what did this mean? Why was he marrying her? She knew nothing about him, he knew nothing about her and he was ready to marry her just like that? Was he serious or did he say that to just infuriate her father? So many questions and no answers what so ever.

Krishn smiled as he cupped her cheek with one hand as the other remained on the steering wheel, "Yes we are getting married."  he assured as he looked at her, happiness was all she felt as she looked at him with a huge smile tears in her eyes. He kissed her forehead as they drove towards his home.

Ruhi's breath hitched as she watched the palace that came into the view, "Are you a king?" She asked surprised as he stoped the car in front of the palace, he got out of the car and moved towards the passanger seat, he opened the door as he held his hand out for her to take, she blushed as she undid her seat belt and laid her hand in his as she got out of the car.

A breeze had her loose curls flying in her face, she put them behind her ear, Krishn's heart thudded in his chest as he watched her, finally she was here with him. Finally she was with him in the true sense, safe from anything and everything. He moved forward and presseed his lips to her forehead, "Welcome home sweetheart." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her, she laid her head on his chest as she sighed in relief, as the feeling of safety and security rang through her, making her heart thud in her chest. He rubbed his hands on her back in a soothing motion as sparks igited in her body. He pulled back as he wrapped his hands around her waist,his chin resting on her shoulder as he looked at the palace ahead, "So did you like it?" He questioned as the two looked at their home.

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