Chapter 43

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Yasoda gazed out at the night, today she couldn't see the stars, only the lonely faded half moon.

Just like she felt herself fading, without her daughter.  A lone tear trekked down the length of her cheek, the constant agony of a missing daughter burned her heart.

And why wouldn't it? She had bought up Ruhi for most part of her life, thinking that she would always stay with her.

"Yasoda." Nand placed his hand on her shoulder, shattering her chain of thoughts as she gazed up at him.

His heart squeezed noticing the tears in her eyes. "Yasoda,dear your tears hurt my soul."  He crooned cupping her cheeks, as he pulled her in his arms, she weeped her heart out.

Usually she would hide her pain, but today it was too raw and she felt too sensitive to contain the storm of anguish, that wrecked a havoc in her heart.

"I want my daughter back Nand ji. Didn't you see, how hurt my child was. I could feel her loneliness in my soul and how weak she looked. She is wilting away. My daughter."

She sobbed her arms tightening around her husband. Nand's heart hurt, yes Ruhi seemed weaker, she was fading. And it shattered him to see his daughter like that.

But he didn't know what to do. Her father had just disappeared all his tracks.

"Yasoda, dear we would get her back."

"We shouldn't have let her go in the first place!" Fury tinted her words, as she pulled back.

The mother in her was furious, her child was in pain and all she could do was cry! How pathetic was that?!


"No Nand ji! He had said that Ruhi would be with us, till her marriage. And I had always wanted her to be with me my entire life.  My Kanha would have married my Ruhi, she would forever be with her mother. But her father just appeared out of no where and took her away from my arms."

Her words wobbled, pain flooding her. Tears rained down her cheeks.

"I thought that he would look after her with all the love and care she deserves. But did you see her condition today?!"

She faced her husband, her eyes blazing with determination. "I will not let my kid stay where she isn't valued. Her mother is still alive. She has a home in Dwarka."

"Yasoda but we have tried everything, we couldn't find her. And you know this."

"Well I do. But I know exactly who can tell me where my daughter is. And today he will have to answer!"

Yasoda announced marching out of the room. Nand followed her concern churning in his guts.

His wife walked out of their section of the palace and to the throne room of the Dawrka.

Balram sat on his throne, Krishn sat beside him. Talking to their subjects about the new laws they planned to implement.

The announcer shouted a warning about Yasoda's arrival, making the people look around in confusion.

"You all are dismissed."

Balram commanded, the subjects moved leaving the Royals alone.

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