Chapter 27

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Twelve years later...

The off white curtains fluttered with a strong gust of wind, a chirruping bird circling over the head of a slipping girl, her long hair were set loose, as she hid her face in the pillow.

"Buzz off tiny, I want to sleep." Ruhi mumbled, her voice still laced in sleep, nuzzling the pillow closer to her face.

The bird continued to chirrup, as she flew around the little room. "Ruhi!" The female voice had her grunting as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, yawning.

A sigh passing through her lips, as she smiled sadly, seven years had passed since that night. Since she had the most peaceful sleep of her life.

Twelve years had passed since everything had changed, twelve years since she moved to Magadha.

Twelve years since her life had completely changed, twelve years since she had seen him.


The name was like fleeting warm caress on her soul, a sigh passed through her lips, she really missed him.

"Ruhi!" Her step mother called out making her groan, not a minutes peace was present in this house.

Pouting she sat up, squinting her eyes open to look around the kitchen.

Her back ached from lying on the hard ground, the rough, thin mat was the only thing between her and the cold floor, a little blanket covering her form.

A little faded pink pillow cushioning her head,

"Where is my breakfast?!" Pauravi shouted from another end of the house,  making the girl groan.

This people were insane, she just woke up, what did they expect? She'll  wriggle her fingers in air and breakfast will appear on the table?

Who did they think she was?


She sighed,  "oh god child. You haven't even woke up yet? You have to bath, make breakfast, when you get married, you can't be so tardy. What will your in laws say? That your mother didn't teach you anything." Rekha's voice was chiding,  a frown of disapproval marring her features while she gazed at Ruhi who was yawning at her little speech.

The young girl on the floor felt like rolling her eyes. How many times in the name of this nonexistent inlaws had her step mother made her do things?

Too many to remember.

From day one, since she was dropped in the lap of Rekha, by her father, she had been grooming the little girl how to be a good wife.

The thought almost made Ruhi scoff, there were so many other things to do other than cook, clean, scrub dirty dishes, so many things that she wanted to learn.

"People understand from their perspective, so never explain. You're friends won't need it and enemies won't believe it. People nowadays listen to reply, not to understand." His words were like a warm caress, making her bite back a smile.

Everyday, every second, he had something new to tell her.

The male voice that often mummered words of wisdom in her head, maybe she wall having auditory hallucinations,  where she felt she could hear Krishn.

But to her it felt more, it was Krishn.

She didnt know how he managed to do that, how he managed to whisper words in her mind but he did.

It was almost like they shared a telepathic connection.

But how was that possible?

She shook her head, standing up.

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