Chapter 21

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Ruhi stumbled back, her heart trembling while she gazed up at the dark orbs of Dushasan that were filled with malice.

His eyes clouded with fury, the arrogant smirk plastered on his face while he gazed at Ruhi.

This scared sheep was such a coward, she got spooked at every little thing. Dushasan thought, a cruel smirk on his face while he gazed at her.

Her fear making him smirk, the joy that he felt seeing terror on another's eyes was something he could never express in words.

"Ruhi who will save you now?!" Dushasan taunted, his voice laced with malice as he gazed at the girl ahead of him.

Soft melody wrapped around Ruhi, the sound making her heart ease from the terror that thrummed through her, a light of hope lit her face as she pushed Dushasan, making him stumble back in shock.

He fell on the ground, as she caught him off guard. Pain twitching through his back as he fell on the hard ground.

Fury flooded his body, how dare the useless commoner girl push a royal like him?!

He pushed off the ground, anger fueling him.

Ruhi rushed towards the sound of the melodious flute, pushing her legs harder, as she rushed through the forest blindly.

A whimper passed through her lips,as she felt her leg get tangled in something, her eyes widened while terror slithered through her heart as she braced herself for the fall and the agony.

A shocked gasp left her mouth, as a strong arm wrapped around her waist, her face hitting the hard chest, as she breathed in the scent of sandalwood and lotus along with a musky fragrance. The familiar sparks zinged up her hand making her heart thud violently.


The realisation hit her strongly , her head snapped up as her watery hazel eyes clashed with deep dark mischievous eyes, a calm and serene smile traced his lips while he gazed at her.

"Kanha!" She sobbed in relief, her hands wrapping around his waist as she hid her face in his neck, nuzzling him, cries wrecking through her.

Krishn frowned, the sounds of her sobs slithered through him making his heart heavy with agony.

He hated to see her crying.

"Ruhi." He whispered her name, the soft assurance in his words making her hug him tighter.

"Kanha, save me." She whispered, her voice soft, as she calmed her a bit, he was here nothing wrong could happen now. She knew.

Krishn smiled, his ever assuring grin in place, while he cupped her cheek as he pulled her behind a huge tree,his back resting against the bark of the tree as he gazed down at her.

Her dark eyes gazing up at him, as she leaned on him.

"What happened dear?" He questioned, his voice lit with mischief as he wiped her tears and cupped her face making her look up at him.

"That..du..Dushasan ..he will kill me. In Hastinapur he had tried drown me!" She exclaimed, her face a mask of panic, as she gazed up at him bewildered.

Her heart hammering wildly in her chest.

Terror thrumming through her every pore.

"Please save me Kanha! He will kill me." She half shouted, panic lacing her voice,he will kill her!  She had pushed him! He won't let her live!

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