Chapter 32: Eight letters

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Loren's POV

After that frightening episode, I spent what felt like "days" asleep. Nurses and doctors came and went from my room but there was one person who was there 24/7, or at least the whole time that I could tell. 

The room was silent except for the soft hum of the machines that kept me alive and the beep of the monitor that measured how alive I was. I was no longer watching my room like a security camera mounted in the far corner of the room but rather I was back in my body. And that meant that the world that surrounded me was black again. 

A loud buzz from beside me interrupted my train of thought and was quickly quieted.

"Hello?" Killian spoke answering a phone call. So I wasn't alone. 

I heard some shuffling from beside me followed by a few short footsteps and the sound of a door gently shutting. 

"One and a half months later and still nothing?!" I heard him yell from behind closed doors. As much as I appreciated him for trying to hide his conversation from me, he was a fool to think that his anger couldn't pass through a cheap bathroom door. I couldn't make out the rest of the conversation except for a few random words and names that were tossed around. 

Eventually the door opened again and Killian snarled his last sentence into his phone "I don't care who it is, I want them dead for this". 

I can't let an innocent person die because of me. I need to wake up. I need to tell him about what I remembered. 

I heard Killian sigh as he plopped down into what sounded like a very uncomfortable wooden chair beside my bed. 

After a few minutes of silence, his phone buzzed again and he answered, this time staying where he was. 

"Hey girls," I heard Killian greet who I could only guess were my friends. 

"Let us talk to her!" A high pitched voice squeaked on the other line. 

"Okay okay, one second. Let me grab my iPad and i'll set you up on the table" Killian sounded utterly defeated and dead inside. He sounded like he hadn't slept in years. I'd hate to see how he looked.

After a minute of Killian rolling a table towards me and another minute of him digging though his bags, I heard him start the facetime call on the iPad and set it down on the table. 

A soft gasp sounded from the iPad. Jeez did I look that bad? 

"Oh my gosh Melissa.. Look at her braids!! Killian, did you do her hair?!" I heard Emma squeal. 

"Ugh so cute" Melissa responded followed by a small sniffle. 

"No, can't take credit for any of that. The nurses got bored one day and I asked them to keep an eye on her while I stepped out and came back to her all glammed up" Killian chuckled.

I wish I could talk to and laugh with them. I wish I could see them. I listened as Killian caught them up on what had happened in the last few weeks since he had last spoken with them. 

"So, stupid question and I know Loren would punch me for even asking this but like... when is she going to wake up?" Emma asked and was right. I would punch her for asking a question like this. During my time "conscious" I had figured that I was in a coma from some type of infection I had. There was no telling when I would come back or even if I would. 

"Well, thats the thing," Killian sighed again. "We don't really know when. But what happened a few weeks ago definitely didn't help. The doctor said that it likely sent her back to square one in the healing stages but we're hopeful. She's made some big steps since then and her neurologic tests are all still normal, except for being awake of course".

My ProtectorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora