Chapter 14: Freedom

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Loren's POV

The more we drove, the more comfortable Killian got. Looking over, I saw something that I hadn't seen before. The look of freedom. The windows were down and the crisp fall air blew in, tousling his thick brown hair. The golden sun rays lit up his warm green eyes, making them resemble a treasure chest filled with gold and emeralds.

The smile on his face was as big as a child's smile at the amusement park right after they won one of those giant, poorly made stuffed animals; bound to be dirty by the end of the day.

I brought Killian here in hopes that I could introduce him to a part of me that not many knew about. A part of me that was scared but hopeful. Cautious but adventurous. Restraint but free.

But instead I think I introduced him to a part of himself that not even he knew about.

This was a sight i'm sure the tabloids would pay millions for. A truly genuine, free Killian. You wouldn't even believe that this man ran one of the most successful investment firms in the US. A job that not only brought money but also stress, anger, and darkness.

He was free here.

Well, besides the cliff 5 feet to our right. This was something that I'm sure that his managers or life insurance people or whoever made sure that he was safe WOULD NOT APPROVE OF.

I slowed the Jeep down as we approached the viewpoint. The crunch of the gravel as the tires moved over them fading as we came to a stop. In the distance, Mt. Rainier took up half of the sky. It was now covered in white as the first snow had already passed. The only thing between us and the mountain was a valley filled with deep green trees, a few orange ones dispersed here and there.

The different thing about Washington was that a lot of the trees here don't really go through the fall transition. They keep their pine needles and their green color all year long.

Somewhere in the valley was a large river running from the base of the mountain to somewhere else beyond sight.

We both exited the vehicle and stood at the cliffs edge, taking in all of the beauty in front of us.

"Wow" Killian eventually whispered, speechless by our view. I smiled and looked up at him, wrapping my arms around his hard torso. I took in a deep breath and the cool refreshing air mixed with his scent of laundry soap and cologne filled my lungs.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in tighter, kissing the top of my head.

"How about some food" I said a minute later breaking the peaceful silence.

"That sounds wonderful, i'm starving"

I pulled away from him and walked to the back of the jeep. After spreading the blanket out in the back, I set up the contents of the cooler and basket. Once I was done, a large wooden tray sat in the middle. Various sliced cheese, crackers, nuts, fruits, and spreads were dispersed among it. On either side sad two champagne flutes filled with a chilled sparkling beverage, a few frozen berries sitting at the bottom.

Twinkling lights were set up along the sides and the top of the car, creating a warm and romantic vibe. In the background I played a lofi/chill playlist from Spotify, similar to the one that plays at the cafe we met at.

Before I set up the view I told Killian to take the wood out from the back seat and chop This way he couldn't see the date I was setting up. The sun was still up but was scheduled to set in about an hour and a half so I decided to wait before starting the fire.

Luckily, he was done bringing out and chopping the wood at the same time I finished setting up the back. As I stepped back to admire my work, he walked around and joined me, admiring it as well.

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