Chapter 67: Nightmare

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Loren's POV


"Killian?" I huffed into the phone, out of breath.

"I'm so sorry, Doll." His voice was tired and defeat.

"Where are you?" I asked but already knew the answer.

"I just got home from the office. I... I think you already knew this but-"

"-you won't be able to make it." I finished the sentence for him. I listened as he took a gulp on the other end.

"Yes." he confirmed and I nodded my head.

"I know" I sighed and closed my eyes. Why did I even allow myself to get excited? Even worse, I allowed my dad to get excited. I knew how much he wanted to meet him and get to know him; make sure he wasn't like Bryce.

"I can't explain how s-"

"Don't." I cut him off and sighed. To be honest, it was anything but fine. But at this point what could I do? 

"I'm sorry." he apologized again and the line went silent. Not because he hung up, not because I hung up.. but because neither of us knew what to say anymore.

I knew it?  No. 

I hate you? Even worse. 

I'm glad you aren't coming? Well then i'd be lying. 

"It's fine, I understand." I lied. "I'm really tired though so I'm going to get some sleep. I'll talk to you later."

"Of course, Doll. I love you"  I closed my eyes as he spoke through the phone. It was almost as if he was right next to me, whispering the words into my ear. I laid my head down on the pillow and quietly hung up the phone as my tears met the pillow case. 

I had not right to be mad at him, and I wasn't. I was disappointed. I was let down, by the person who taught me to rely on him the most. 

Eventually my thoughts thickened to a fog and I drifted off into a jet lagged slumber, only to reunite with him in my dreams. 

"Loren" Killian's voice was hushed and rapid.

"What's wrong?" I questioned as he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. 

"Nothing Doll, come here." He pulled me into his arms and squeezed them around me. I shut my eyes as I took in his familiar scent. But something about it was new. Something about it was... metallic?  I looked up at him as I finally recognized the smell but jumped away when I saw blood dripping from his face. 

"Killian?" I whispered as I watched his eyes shut and his body slump forwards into my outstretched arms. "Oh my god," I whispered as I lowered his limp body to the ground. 

"Killian?" I whispered again as I wiped the red, sticky substance from his face. "Killian" I repeated over and over, louder each time. 

Suddenly I woke up in the bedroom I had fallen asleep in. The room was silent except for the sound of raindrops smacking against the window paired with the quiet sobs that escaped my chest. I immediately reached for my phone through blurred vision and dialed the last number. 

"Loren?" Killian's tired voice questioned through the phone. 

"Are you okay?" I rapidly asked in between sobs. 

"Doll I'm fine, I was just sleeping. Are you okay? Whats wrong??" His voice perked up and he spoke rapidly. 

"I, I just had a bad dream" I confessed and my heart stopped pounding through my chest at the sound of his voice. 

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