Chapter 13: Surprise

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Loren's POV

It was hard to lie and say that I wasn't tempted my Killian's delicious kisses. His touch could be so tantalizing and exciting yet so calming. It had the ability to distract me from anything in life. Nothing else mattered when I was with him.

I wanted to have the same effect on him. If he could take me out on such an extravagant date last night, I could do the same for him. To the best of my ability at least. I wasn't sure of how he would react to my "date" but I guess his reaction would be a good indication of how well we would get along in the future.

I got ready in what George had bought me; some boyfriend jeans and a plain white tee. Clearly he didn't have as much of a sense of style as Val did.. but I was thankful because I wasn't hoping for something over the top. I really needed to start bringing my clothes when I saw Ian.. I felt bad that everybody had to go shopping for me.

Walking back out of my room, the delicious smell of caramelized bacon and fried eggs made its way to my nose. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now and neither did my stomach, telling by the way it was now grumbling.

Like he promised, Killian was waiting for me downstairs on one of the couches. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and white sneakers. He may or may not regret wearing white shoes..

Smiling as he heard me walk down the stairs, he greeted me. "Hi darling"

I was still mad at him for what he did just a few minutes so I just looked at him and walked towards the kitchen. I realized that was a bad idea once I felt his arm hastily wrap around my waist and turn me, pinning me against the wall.

"I said, hi darling" he growled into my ear.

Looking up at him, I smirked. I wasn't so scared of him anymore.

"You're going to ignore me now? Because of what happened earlier?" He spoke again, now facing me. A clear tone of annoyance in his voice. He wasn't used to being treated this way.

"That's for you to figure out" I responded, trying so hard to maintain a straight face and not giggle.

His eyebrow raised as he tried to read my face. I couldn't help it anymore and a small smile broke the silence. He removed his hands from the wall and walked away, running a hand through his hair. I could hear him mumbling something but wasn't able to make out the words. I wasn't scared to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I followed him into the kitchen as I saw George at the kitchen island pouring some orange juice into two glasses. Killian was no longer in the kitchen. I wasn't sure where he went because he had just walked into there. I stood for a few seconds trying to figure out where he had gone.

George must have noticed the confusion on my face because he finally broke the silence that I was too scared to break.

"Ah, madam. Mr. East went into the dining room." He was now holding the two glasses in his hands. I didn't realize that George wasn't from the US until I heard him speak. His voice was smooth and proper. George was short and was maybe 40 years old. His hair was a light brown and neat. He wore black dress pants and a white dress shirt with a sweater vest over top. His eyes were an icy blue.

I looked at him again, not knowing where that was. "Oh thank you. You can just call me Loren by the way, nothing fancy. But do you think you could show me where that is?"

"Oh yes of course, follow me" He gestured as he carried the orange juice around the corner and into a large room with a giant wooden table in the middle. The table could easily sit 15-20 people. In the middle of it was a large crystal vase filled with fresh cut flowers. A cream table runner ran across the table, various other candles and centerpieces dispersed through it. On the table were two settings; one at the head and one next to it. Killian was already sitting at the head of the table, a plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes in front of him.

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