Chapter 34: Free Bird

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Loren's POV

Thunder boomed in the distance shaking the thick glass windows of the apartment. Rain slapped against the windows as the spring storm passed over Seattle. In the distance sun rays shined through small breaks in the clouds. 

I rolled over in bed to face the empty spot next to my own, vaguely remembering when Killian had left this morning. Under my pillow my phone vibrated over and over causing me to dig for it. With frustration I unlocked the phone and saw multiple text messages from Melissa and Emma. 

I hadn't really seen them in the month since being back home. In fact, I hadn't really seen much of anybody or anything. I was forced to quit my job and Killian didn't allow me to leave while I was recovering, probably in fear that something would happen to me. 

My mind flashed back to a conversation we had shortly after landing in Seattle. We were in his office and he had just gotten off of the phone. I tried to bring up what had happened to me in London but instead of talking to me about it, he just repeated that he was taking care of it and that I needed to focus on my health. 

'Please Loren, just trust that I will take care of it. I have people over there who are still working on it.'

'Who?' I asked, mainly curious why my story hadn't gotten on the news. 

'That doesn't matter, just focus on getting better.' He couldn't even look up at me as he said this. His eyes stayed fixed on the computer in front of him.

'I heard one of your conversations in the hospital. I know you want whoever did this to me to be hurt..' I persisted but received no response. I stepped forward and took a seat in front of the desk, facing Killian. 'Listen to me,' I reached forward and grabbed his hand as he continued to stare at the screen, his eyes emotionless and his jaw clenched tightly. 'While I was in my coma, I remembered some things that happened'.

This caught his attention. He broke his gaze with the computer and met mine. 'what do you mean?'. His face fall as I proceeded to tell him about what I remembered of where I woke up and more importantly the car ride. But even this didn't get much of a reaction from him. Instead he just asked me if I was okay and told me that he had some more phone calls to make. 

I sighed as I remembered the last month of pure boredom. I felt like a caged dog who just wanted to run. My physical therapy appointments were becoming boring as I healed much faster than expected. At this point I was just using the therapist as a personal trainer which honestly I couldn't really complain about anyways. It was nice to work on my body a little bit. Plus i'm sure that with the paychecks Killian gave her, she didn't mind being my personal trainer either. 

I rolled myself out of bed as the thunder and lightning continued outside. As I put my slippers on the door to the bedroom opened and Killian stepped into the room. 

"Oh good you're up" I shuddered as the words left his mouth. Suddenly I was back in the cold warehouse with the stinky bag over my head. 

"You're home early" I observed, not sparing him a single look as I walked to the bathroom. Shortly after I heard him sigh as he followed me inside. I took my hair out of the bun and brushed out the knots as Killian leaned against the doorway. 

"I want to take you out" he finally said. 

I squeezed my toothpaste a little too hard onto my toothbrush. "What made you finally change your mind to let me out of my prison?" I joked as a glob of toothpaste fell into the sink. 

Unamused, Killian sighed and tilted his head. "You know that I wasn't trying to treat you like a prisoner. I just wanted to make sure that you were well healed before you go back out in public... just in case..." he trailed off, reluctant to finish his sentence. 

"And what makes you believe that now I am ready?" I mumbled into a cup as I drank some mouthwash. 

"Well for starters, I heard you've turned your physical therapist into a personal trainer" I spit the mouthwash out and glanced up in the mirror as he smirked at me. "If you just wanted a personal trainer you could've told me," he whispered as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 

"Let me take you shopping, let me take you to dinner, let me spoil you" He spoke softly into my hair. "What do you say?" I let out a small sigh as my eyes dropped to my makeup bag sitting on the counter, untouched from our last trip. 

"Fine" I mumbled. "But only because I would do anything to get out of this freaking apartment" I snapped.

"Whatever you say princess" he gleamed as he stepped out of the bathroom. "Get ready, we leave in thirty!" I yelled behind his shoulder and the bedroom door closed. 

I'm almost embarrassed to say how quickly I got ready due to my excitement. I tied my hair back into a pony, careful to cover up my scar and bald spot from my injury. I looked at my makeup bag and decided not to touch it. I didn't want to unpack anything else from that trip. Besides, there were more important things to be unpacked. 

I got dressed in some light wash skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a blue blouse. I slipped on my black rain boots and grabbed my trench coat as I left the closet. I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs where Killian was waiting in one of his leather chairs. His attention shifted from his phone up to me as I made my way down the stairs, a small smirk forming on his lips. 

"Beautiful, as always" he spoke as he reached his hand up to my bare face. I rolled my eyes in response as I fought back a smile. "I never thought I would say this but wow have I missed that attitude of yours" He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the elevator doors. 

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