Chapter 8: Tease

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Loren's POV

My eyes slowly cracked open to an unfamiliar room as the sound of rain drops hitting the window woke me. I slowly turned my head to the other side of the bed, halfway expecting another body to be in it. I sighed with relief realizing that I was alone and was still fully clothed.

The room was large and had a floor to ceiling window to one side. A white accent chair sat next to the window with a wooden side table next to it. In front of the bed were built in cabinets and a flat screen TV. To the left of the cabinets was a doorway leading to the bathroom. The floors were hardwood and the walls were a bright white. The bed I was in was large and plush, a fluffy down comforter draped over me.

Was I in a hotel? I don't remember much of last night..

Sitting up I felt the blood rush out of my head. Ugh I was hungover.

The last thing I remember from last night is waking up on a leather couch after reading a note from Ian saying that he was in a meeting.


Maybe I was in his house? I glanced over to the side table and saw my purse and phone on it. Grabbing my phone I saw that it was 10 AM and I had about fifty text messages from the group chat. I didn't have the energy to look at the messages so I just placed the phone back down with a sigh. With another look I noticed a bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water. Thankful for this, I took a few pills and drank some of the water.

I groaned as I got up out of the bed, my head pounding even more. Slowly walking to the door, I was scared that it would be locked. I reached for the handle and surprisingly it opened. So I wasn't kidnapped.

I stepped out of the room and walked into a dimly lit hallway. To the left was a staircase and to the right were more doors. One of the doors was cracked open, calling out to me. I walked over to the door and slowly pushing it open.

This room was about five times the size of the one I was just in. The ceilings were tall and windows made up one of the walls. A fire place was placed in the wall to the right and a black leather couch sat in front of it. Several pieces of artwork filled the naked spaces of the walls. As I stepped farther into the room, I saw a bed to the left, perfectly placed against the wall; facing the enormous window ahead of it. The bed was neatly made with nobody in it. The room almost seemed untouched, as if nobody lived here.

I walked out of the room and heard voices which seemed to be coming from downstairs. Being drawn to them, I traveled towards the stairs and allowed them to lead me down to a large, open living room. Similar to the bedroom I was just in, a black leather sofa faced the window except this one was much larger. In front of the sofa was a glass coffee table with a neat stack of books on it. A beautiful crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Gripping the side rail as I walked down the last stairs, my eyes travelled to where the voices were coming from. There was another couch in front of a fire place on the other side of the room which wasn't visible from the top of the stairs. On the couch sat Ian and another handsome man, both of them wearing suits. They seemed to be deep in conversation when suddenly Ian stood up, his jaw clenched, and threw a phone across the room.

"Killian-" The other man spoke.

A gasp escaped my mouth as I realized that I shouldn't have walked downstairs. I covered my mouth but they had already turned their attention towards me.

"Loren," Ian growled and started to walk my way, his face still filled with anger. The other man just sat there, unsure of what would happen next.

As he walked closer to me, I took a step backwards almost tripping on the stairs behind me. He grabbed my elbow in the process, providing me support.

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