Chapter 50: Denied

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Loren's POV

I woke up to Killian sitting at the edge of the bed putting his shoes on. He was already dressed in a navy blue suit and his hair was fixed for the day. 

"Where are you going?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Adam and I have a few meetings today doll" He stood up and walked over to my side of the bed. I scooted over to the middle of the bed so he had room to sit next to me. 

"Whyyyy" I whined, wanting him to stay with me longer. 

"I don't know, it was somebodies genius plan to schedule a few meetings while we were here in the city... and it was another genius's idea to stay out until 3 AM last night" He smiled and bent down to kiss my forehead. 

I grumbled some nonsense as he stood back up. "Go back to sleep, Doll. Go to the Met or something with the girls. You have my card". He exited the room and I fell back asleep only to be woken up a few hours later to Melissa and Emma walking in. 

We got ready for the day and ended up having lunch time tea at the Plaza hotel followed by a bike ride through Central Park. 

We peddled under the blooming trees as we passed by groups of people having picnics in John Lennon's memorial, strawberry fields. 

"Lori, Adam doesn't have a girlfriend right?" Emma shyly asked as we stopped at the Bethesda Fountain. 

"Not that I know of," I looked over at her and smirked "Why?"

"Oh my gosh Lori you know why!!!" She giggled and blushed 

"You guys would make such a cute couple, I honestly don't know why I didn't think of hooking you guys up sooner." I responded and Melissa agreed as we sat at the fountain. 

"You think so?" Emma asked.

"Girl did you see the way he was looking at you all night!?" I cried out. It was now my plan to get Adam to ask Emma out before we go back home, I was not going to be taking no as an answer. 

"What about you Melissa? How is your teacher friend?" Emma asked and put some emphasis on the word 'friend'. 

"Just friends" Melissa responded somberly. 

"Oh no," I put my hand on her shoulder.

"That's okay though! She perked up, I kind of saw it coming anyways. He so uptight and you know what happens when you have two uptight people in a relationship. We'd end up getting a divorce in 5 years"

"Melissa you aren't uptight" I glared at her and she rolled her eyes. "Anyways!!! I vote that we go shopping, get something for Emma to wear when Adam takes her out to dinner."

"What? He hasn't asked me out?" Emma looked at me confused

"Not yet, at least" I winked 

We returned our bikes and took a Taxi to SoHo where we browsed the endless racks of clothing. After about 5 stores of nothing but rejects, we felt defeated. 

"I don't know guys, I think I can just find something in my own closet" Emma sighed. 

"Lets just try a few more stores Em" I pushed. I wanted Emma to feel beyond confident for her date and she wouldn't be wearing something that she's already worn before. 

We walked along the street and a red dress across the street caught my eye. 

"Oh my god" I pointed at the dress and Emma and Melissa followed my stare. 

"Shoot..." Emma whispered and we sprinted over to the other side. 

The dress was a deep red color. It was a silky material and was skin tight, sure to show off Emma's curves. 

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