Chapter 39: Disgust

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I picked through the fruit in the bowl that sat in front of me, picking out the small cubes of sweet watermelon. Killian stood with his back to me as he washes the dishes. He must have felt my eyes burning a hole through his back as he turned the water off and turned around, patting his hands dry with the towel that he just pulled off of his shoulder.

"Go get dressed, we're going on a small trip"

The fork clinked against the glass bowl after I set it down and smiled. 

I could've sworn I saw a twinkle in Killian's eye as he winked at me. I didn't even bother asking where we were going because to Killian, everything was basically a surprise. I was lucky I had to quit my job after my accident or else I'd end up getting fired.

As much as I was upset about what had just happened, I couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Killian and I hadn't spent much true time together since what happened, let alone go on a trip. I'm honestly surprised he's so willing to take me away from his apartment given he just had me locked up for so long.

Locked up? Or protected? My stomach churned as I remember Wesley locked up who knows where. I felt ashamed to think that Killian keeping me in his secure apartment after I was just kidnapped and left to die was being "locked up". Especially when there were people like Wesley who actually were "locked up".

I looked at myself in the mirror and I undressed for my shower, looking a the scar on my head where I had been hit.

My finger pushed aside the hair that was still trying to grow back and grazed against the bumpy skin beneath it. A shiver travelled down my spine as the only memories I have from my captivity filled my mind.

Something was missing. Something happened while I was held hostage and I desperately needed to remember it.

I squeezed my eyes shut trying to force my brain to remember. Just then my stomach felt full and my mouth started drool. Within seconds I was crouched down with my face in the toilet, my breakfast disgustingly displayed in front of me.

I rested my sweaty forehead on my arms and tried to understand what just happened.

"Loren?" Killian ran into the bathroom, his speech pressured. "What's going on in here?" He urged.

I rocked my head back and forth on my arms letting nothing but a small groan out. His shoes clicked as he jogged over to me and almost gagged as he registered what happened.

"Jesus" he whispered and reached over me to flush the toilet. I raised my head and looked at him through teary eyes, grunting at him because the toilet water just splattered onto my face. "Sorry" he reached down and pulled me away from the toilet, propping me up against the cabinets.

"Fuck are you okay? What happened?" He asked as brushed my hair aside and placed a cold washcloth on my forehead.

"I- I- I don't know" I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cabinets.

"Hmm" Killian thought out loud as he kept a firm grip on the washcloth.

I knew exactly what made me throw up. Trying to relive the trauma. But of course I was not going to tell Killian this, he would cancel our trip before I could even finish my sentence.

"Do you still feel sick?" He asked as he peeled away the washcloth and I shook my head.

"No but I think I need to take a shower" I said as I almost threw up again smelling the vomit on my hair.

Killian looked down at me sprawled on the floor, naked, might I add. His lips were pursed into a flat line and his eyes full of disgust.

"Dont look at me like that" I groaned out and tried to stand up.

"Like what??" He cried out almost defensively.

"Like you think I'm disgusting!!!"

"Sorry babe I'm in a sympathetic vomiter... if I see anybody vomit I will too" he held out a hand for me to grab and pulled me into the shower. I sat down on the tile bench as he turned the water on, the cool water splattering onto my body.

I opened my eyes as the water became warm and realized that Killian was pulling his shirt off.

"Dont look at me like that!" He cried out as he turned around to enter the shower.

I only raised my eyebrows before he cried out again, "you look like you think I'm disgusting!!" And smiled as he stepped foot into the shower.

"I didn't mean to, I just wasn't expecting you to be taking a shower too," I mumbled

"Oh princess, from this moment up to the end of the week I'm not leaving your side" and with that, he pulled me up off the bench and under the water.

The warm water ran down my body, as Killian's fingers ran through my hair, lathering the shampoo through the strands. He tied my hair up into a bun after running the conditioner through it and proceeded to wash himself shamelessly as I watched.

The soap ran down his chiseled abdomen and down his bulky thighs. He smirked as he watched me watch him.

He proceeded to wash my body and I watched the water, contaminated with the stress and tears from the last few weeks, swirl down the drain.

My skin prickled as his hands slid over my curves, slowing down at all the right spots. He let my conditioned hair down and rinsed it, whispering in my ear before turning the water off, "Our plane leaves in an hour".


Killian chuckled as he watched the disappointment on my face. "Dont worry princess, we'll have lots of time for that later, but I think you'd rather head towards our destination first. I know you'll love it there".

Within an hour we were at the airport. I watched as George handed the flight attendant our bags and Killian walked up to speak with the pilot.

"Ready?" He placed his hand on the small of my back and gently pushed me forward and up the stairs.

I settled into my usual spot with Killian sitting across from me. His eyes were focused on his laptop as I watched the lively city disappear behind us.

"So where are we going?" I finally asked knowing he probably wouldn't tell me.

"It's a surprise doll" he smiled at me and looked back at his laptop.

I stared back out the window at the farm land far below us and tried to guess where he was taking me but the thoughts of earlier today kept intruding.

The car ride before I was dropped off to death's doorstep kept replaying over and over in my head. A piece of the memory missing but so desperately needed to be filled.

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