Chapter 2

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( From the Morning of the same Day):

My precious sleep is already been disturbed by the sound that in going on in our apartment. I went outside of my room and saw V and Chim messing around in the living room. This is too early for these shits...

"Oh Good Morning Kookie, did you sleep well?". Chim asked me and I nodded. " But you seems annoyed.", V said.

"Yes I slept well until you guys ruined my precious sleep. But how come You get up early?". "Oh sorry about disturbing your sleep. We are really sorry" V said and I gave them a sassy smile. "so yeah you asked why we are up early, it is because I think someone is moving in our apartment and the noise from the movers worked as an alarm clock for me." Chim said.

I just nodded and sat down in the dining table." Hey did you guys know that the new CEO is supposed to be coming today in SK but I don't know that he or she will be visiting office today or not. And I heard a rumor that the new CEO is very young" V said. "yup I heard it too, I wish it is a girl then atleast office won't be boring anymore..." Chim said. "You guys care about the office work or how to flirt with the new CEO?. Whatever. I just want an intelligent person who can manage and have a lot of experience in this work. That all, I don't care if its a girl or boy."

"huh someone is being sassy from the morning" V smirked. "that's what you get to disturbed my precious sleep"," But I didn't it was the movers"." but you also made lots of noise earlier". "no no I didn't", " yes you did", "no", " yes".

"Can both of you stop arguing in the morning" Chim asked. " he started" v said. " no he did", "no he", " no he". " I SAID STOP ARGUING" Chim shouted at both of us.

" sorry" I said. " I am sorry too" V said.

Then we all went to our room to fresh up and to get ready.

I was done early so I thought I will go first and take the car from the basement and wait for the other two. " I AM GOING TO TAKE THE CAR, YOU BOTH HURRY UP."

"WHAT ABOUT THE BREAKFAST" V shouted . It seems like he was in bathroom. "WE WILL HAVE IN IN THE CAFE." I shouted back.

" NOW HURRY BOTH OF YOU".I shouted. " OK SIR JEON" Chim said but rather shouted. They both started laughing and making fun of me. I closed the door and left for the basement.

When I went towards my car I saw a new black car. It looks hella expensive. I never saw this car before here in the basement. Then I remember that a new person came today so might be his car. Who knows.

I went towards my car and started its engine and drove it towards the entrance. Now I am waiting for two curtain idiots.

Two joined me and we left for the office. Before coming to office we stopped at the Cafe and had breakfast.  When we entered the office we saw everyone is going crazy for some curtain reason. I asked the receptionist " What is going on? why so much rush?". The receptionist replied " The new CEO is coming to visit the office today. We thought since she just arrived, she would take a rest but it seems like she is starting from today only".

I got to say I am impressed just a little. So the new CEO is a girl and seems like she is a hardworking girl.

I went to my department and greeted the others. Chim was already sitting on his chair and smirking at me. I asked " what's the matter?". He replied " you seems a little impressed there? is it because our CEO is a girl?".

"no". "Then?" he questioned. " its because she seems hardworking. That's all"." ok I believe you Mr head." he laughed and returned his eyes back to the computer . 

After some time we heard the news that new CEO already arrived in the office. Jack, a junior in my department came to me and said that " I meet the new CEO in the lobby. She is very polite and humble. She can't speak Korean though but she is...."

"she is What?" I asked." someone is getting excited.." Chim pinched me. I just ignored him and asked jack the same question again. Jack replied" seems young..".

"Huh, I don't care if she is young or not I only care if she is well enough to handle it or not and.." "What you mean by young. Of course she is , an young CEO might be easy to handle". Chim said by interrupting me. Jack replied " I am not sure that she is even adult or not".

Before we can discuss any further a man knocked on the door and said " I am Mike, CEO's PA. She wants to meet the department heads which is Mr Jeon JungKook and Mr Park JiMin in the meeting room". I asked " right now?"." yes" he replied and went out.

" Lets go Mr Head of the department . Seems like we will have a nice personal meeting." Chim said." stop it hyung and lets go." I snapped back.


As we entered the meeting room I saw Jin Hyung , Yoongi Hyung, Joonie Hyung, Hoseok Hyung and V Hyung already sitting around the table. I greeted them. We started to have to conversation with each other about our new CEO and some about business.

After few minutes we saw Mike walking with someone towards the meeting room. We presume it might be the new CEO.

And it was right. Our new CEO entered the room. And greeted everyone. She was wearing a baby pink top with blue jeans and have a pony tail too. And above all she seems very young like 16 or 17. Oh my I am jungshook. I can see my Hyungs seems to be shocked as well.

She sat down in her chair and started to have conversation with everyone. Especially with Joonie Hyung. She was having a conversation And her assistant seems to translate it into Korean for better understanding.

I was so shocked and lost that I didn't even participated in the conversation. I was rather thinking that she is not capable of handling stuff in the office. I don't know when anger took over me and I started to stare at her with anger in my eyes.

She seems to have noticed me and seems a little uncomfortable with it as well. 

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