Chapter 46

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I came back to my seat. Yoongi Hyung asked me " What took you so long?" in a sleepy voice. I chuckled and showed him the picture. 

"Oh that's a nice photo to blackmail Kook to work for me" He said. He is never going to change.  " Hyungggg~" I whined. He looked at me and smiled.

"ok Its cute. That's what you wanted to hear, I said it. Now give me cuddles like before." He said and settled back to his seat to doze off.

I smiled. That's right I am dating him now. Thanks to Hobi hyung, Namjoon hyung and ofcourse Y/N. They helped me and she helped indirectly. You see, after seeing Hobi and Namjoon hyung to date happily, I asked Yoongi hyung to give us a chance. He took sometime to agree, but he did anyway. And now we both are happy.

I am wishing for Tae and Jin hyung to solve up as well. They are closer than before, so that's a good thing. All I wish is to be like before and to be with Y/N as well. 

I felt someone tugged my sleeves. Its was him asking me to give him cuddles. Such a baby. I am happy that every employee and Y/N didn't mind anything about these. I settled down and hugged him and we slept.


I slowly woke up. I didn't even remember when I slept. Its 9pm KST. It seems like I slept for 6 hrs. That's definitely not a nap.

But my head feels heavy. Like someone has placed a heavy pillow on my head. As I moved a little, I blushed as I realised the position I am in.

I was sleeping in Jungkook's shoulder and his head is over me. No wonder why it felt heavy before. I slowly moved his head and got myself free. I placed a pillow under his head and thankfully he didn't got up.

Flight will land at 12am KST. That means its 5pm in Spain time zone. More three hours left.

I started using my laptop again. Soon it was time to land. And thankfully Jungkook got up in time. 

Leaving the airport was not hectic. It was quite and peaceful. On the way I saw Jimin showing something to Jungkook on his phone and Jungkook was busy blushing and his other hyungs were busy laughing. I guess they are teasing him about something.

I love to see smiles in their faces. I brings smile to my face automatically. 

We got in cars and left for the hotel. We checked in. All of heads, me and Mike was in a one floor and the other employees in a different floor.

As soon as I locked my room door, I jumped on the bed to see it's bouncy or not. 

Tomorrow is the first day presentation. I am nervous and excited. Suddenly my phone ringed. It was Mike.

"hello Y/N"


"We will leave in 8 am morning. And we will take breakfast in lounge, so come down by 7:30am. And I guess you are tired so, I will ask them to give your food in your room. Now have a Dinner and then have a peaceful sleep"

"Ok I will be there in the morning. And I will place the order of my food in room, through room service, so don't worry. I will manage."

"Alright then. Good night."

"Good night bye" I said and hanged up the phone.

How can I sleep when I slept for 6hrs in plane. But I will order room service now as I am very hungry.

I got freshened up. Ordered room service. I opened my laptop and started working.

Some time later my food came. I ate and continued working. I slept at 11pm in night  to wake up early next morning.

Next morning I woke up at 7am. I freshened up. Wore a yellow dress with a jacket. Prepared my files and laptop.

Soon Mike came to my room to take those. Both of us went to the lounge to get breakfast. I was greeted by the other employees.

I took a cereal breakfast and soon we all left for the first meeting of the day.

We reached the building we were supposed to have the first meeting. On this meeting only me and the department heads were present.

We entered the meeting room and got greeted by others. So the meeting started. It went well. As we were ready to leave, one of the director Mr. Jay came to me.

"Hello Miss Y/N. Its very nice to have in here with us. I am delighted" He said. "Thank you. It was my pleasure." I said and smiled.

"No It was mine. I guess you came here for the first time right?" Mr. Jay asked me. " Yes. It is my first time in here. And I liked it so far." I said.

"The people here are nice too, you know" He said grinning. " Yes of course they are." I said. "So will you mind if I take you out for a tour of the city and we will have dinner together too?" He asked me.

Now this is getting uncomfortable. And I can see the looks the heads were giving him, especially JungKook. If his gaze could kill people, Mr. Jay would have been died by now. 

I don't know what to answer. I can't even refuse him as he is one of the directors but I am not really comfortable with him and moreover I don't know how to turn him down. I am really bad at say "no" to someone.

I guess Mike had picked up that I am nervous. So he said " Sorry sir, but Mam has an dinner plan today already, so I am afraid that she might not be able to come with you" Oh god he saved me.

"oh is it a dinner date? If not then you can tell that person off and go on a real date with me" Mr. Jay said with a creepy smile on his face. Ok this guy is creeping me out. And again I don't know what to say.

To my surprise Jungkook spoke up 

"Yes. She have a dinner date with me. I want to take my girlfriend out for a nice romantic dinner. Sorry but she is taken"

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